Yasemin Copur-Gencturk Honored by AERA
Department of Curriculum & Instruction (CUIN) assistant professor Yasemin Copur-Gencturk has been selected to receive the Early Career Publication Award of the Special Interest Group on Research in Mathematics Education from the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The award is for her research paper entitled, The Effects of Changes in Mathematical Knowledge on Teaching: A Longitudinal Study of Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction which was published in the Journal of Research in Mathematics Education.
The research study was a mixed methods-study to investigate the relationship between teachers’ mathematical knowledge and the quality of their teaching. Observing the classrooms of the same teachers for three years, Copur-Gencturk studied how these two are related. “Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods helped me better understand the role of teachers’ mathematical knowledge in teaching,” she said.
The AERA selection committee noted that the research study makes a timely, robust and important contribution to the field of mathematics education. The committee also pointed out, in particular, the importance of the mixed methods approach in examining the relation between knowledge and teaching and its contribution to the field’s current understandings of these issues.
The research strongly articulates the limitations of previous work, and laid a firm ground for the methodological design and instruments. “Great care was given to the rationale for various methodological decisions, and how these both supported and limited the rigor of the findings,” said Ilana Horn, AERA selection committee member and professor of Mathematics Education at Vanderbilt University. “It is a paper of exceptional quality, and we are very pleased to acknowledge it with this award.”
“It is a great honor to be recognized by the Special Interest Group on Research in Mathematics Education,” said Copur-Gencturk. “Like many of us, I chose this profession to have an impact on our society and on our children, and knowing that my research to achieve this goal is appreciated by the leaders of our research community makes me extremely happy.”
Copur-Gencturk added, “we try to identify what works the best for our students. By identifying how we can improve our student learning has important implications for both our community and my field.”
Copur-Gencturk is proud to be part of a University that is a Tier-1 research institution. “In moving forward to become one of the best colleges of education in the nation, we need to produce scholarly work that impacts our fields,” she said. “This award is a very good example of accomplishments that will take us closer to this goal.”
“We are very happy Dr. Copur-Gencturk’s contribution to the field of mathematics education has been recognized by AERA,” said CUIN chair, Jennifer Chauvot. Recognition for the rigorous approach she used to examine the relation between knowledge and teaching is further evidence that the College of Education is committed to quality research in mathematics education.”
Copur-Gencturk will receive the award at the SIG RME Membership Meeting of the AERA Conference in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 9, 6:15 to 8:15pm, Marriott Marquis, Level Two, Marquis Salon 8.