Cheryl Craig: Publisher and Honoree Changes the World of Education
Department of Curriculum & Instruction (CUIN) professor, Cheryl J. Craig, continues to change the world with her scholarly work and service to the field. Craig’s three-volume series, International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies, had its final installment released on November 25, 2015. Part A of the series was published in 2014; Part B in early 2015; and Part C on November 25, 2015.
In 2014, Cheryl Craig was invited to submit a book proposal to Emerald Publishing on international teacher education. She summoned the help of Lily Orland-Barak, Dean of the University of Haifa (Israel), to make the project truly international. After Craig and Orland-Barak submitted their book prospectus, Emerald Publishing offered them three contracts for a three-book series. With the flick of a pen, their workload tripled. In 2014-2015, 104 authors from 39 countries authored/co-authored chapters to the “promising pedagogies” series. Many hailed from parts of the globe not typically represented in the literature (i.e., Estonia, Iceland, Iran).
Craig says, “It was an intensive research project, but a good one. Our next step is to host a 2016 regional conference on interationally promising pedagogies in Chile that will be funded by the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), among others. Ultimately, our aim is to host a global teacher education summit in Bellagio, Italy.”
Additionally, Craig will be honored with Brandon University’s “Wall of Fame” Award in October of 2016. This award holds special meaning for Craig since she received her two bachelor’s degrees and her teaching credential at the university located in Manitoba, Canada. The award recognizes Craig’s scholarly achievements, which include an AERA Fellowship (2011), her AERA Lifetime Achievement Award (Division B-Curriculum) (2012), and the AERA Michael Huberman Award for Understanding the Lives of Teachers (2015). While in Canada to receive her award, Cheryl Craig will deliver a keynote address to Brandon University’s student body.
“I am humbled by this honor and delighted to speak with current Brandon University students about making one’s way in the world,” says Craig. “I also am grateful for the knowledge, skills and dispositions cultivated in me during my formative years in Manitoba. My present successes trace back to that strong foundation. ”
The College is exceptionally proud of Craig’s hard work. “Cheryl Craig works tirelessly in her pursuit of understanding how we can better help our future and current educators,” says Jennifer Chauvot, CUIN chair. “We are very proud of her accomplishments.”