Lynn Gillman-Rich and Keith Butcher Bring Years to Service to Educational Leadership
Two new Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (DELPS) faculty members, Lynn Gillman-Rich and Keith Butcher, bring their years of service as superintendents to our students.
Gillman-Rich began her career teaching gifted students in Indiana. From there, she went on to have positions as the Director of Professional Development for schools in Indiana, Illinois, and Florida and three principal-ships in Indiana, Arizona, and Illinois. She credits these positions with allowing her to build a cohesive set of research and practice skills to serve her as a Superintendent. Gillman-Rich served as Superintendent for eight years, working in the Sonoita School District and the Santa Cruz County Associate and Superintendent positions, which encompassed five school districts.
Butcher started out as an elementary teacher in West Virginia before adding school principal to his duties. In the following years, he went on to serve as the Assistant Director of the Office of Instructional Services and later the Executive Director for the Office of Federal Programs and Accountability for the West Virginia State Department of Education. He served as Superintendent for Fayette County Schools and Nicholas County Schools from 2012-2016.
Both professors are now in the unique position of being able to let their experiences in educational leadership inform how they teach in the classroom. “Being able to answer questions with relevant examples increases the student’s level of understanding,” said Butcher. “I am able to connect theory and research in the field of leadership to my own experiences at the school district, regional office, and state level in order to make course work relevant to the lives of practicing educators today.”
Butcher and Gillman-Rich are very excited to be teaching future leaders. “I believe that students will graduate as dynamic leaders who will truly make a difference in our K-12 communities,” says Gillman-Rich. Butcher agrees with his new colleague. “I believe that the University is a model for the education of successful educational leaders who will be highly effective in urban and diverse settings across the United States.