A Message from Our Faculty

We invite you to explore this website to discover all of the exciting opportunities that the University of Houston’s Graduate Program in Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychology has to offer.
The structure of the training features two notable characteristics. First, students are encouraged to work not only with their respective advisors but also with other faculty in the program. It is not unusual for students to work with two or three different faculty over the course of their graduate training. Moreover, after their second year, students are encouraged to work with business school faculty and faculty at other institutions. Second, in line with the “scientist-practitioner” model, students are trained to perform effectively as academic faculty members and real-world practitioners. Hence, students can take either the academic or the practitioner career paths – or switch back-and-forth over the course of their careers!
We pride ourselves on providing a strong background in the most advanced quantitative methods as well as in core I/O content areas. Additionally, our graduate students are welcome in graduate courses in the UH Business School, and their faculty often serve as members of thesis and dissertation committees. Students also may take courses at Rice University through the inter-university exchange program.
Our program has a strong research culture, thus students are required to become involved with faculty research efforts, as well as expected to engage in additional independent research projects. Students are engaged in research at all levels of graduate training and take increasing responsibilities as time progresses. For example, students are expected to present papers at professional conferences (e.g., SIOP, Academy of Management, Southern Management Association, European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, etc.) by their second year and are encouraged to participate in their first year. This emphasis on research helps to develop the analytical thinking skills of students, preparing them for a variety of career paths.
We hope that you strongly consider applying to our program. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the coordinator of academic affairs, Linda Canales (lcanales@uh.edu) or our I/O program director, Dr. Bradley Brummel (bjbrummel@uh.edu).