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Pre-Disaster Preparation

Keyboard - with key Emergency

Listen to the story

You are teaching a f2f class:  students meet regularly in the classroom to listen to lectures, participate in discussions, take quizzes, etc.  Blackboard is used outside of class in order for students to access readings, submit papers, and complete other activities.   

Before the first class, the city faces a hurricane warning.  The warning forecasts a potentially serious threat to the greater metropolitan area.  The university plans to close campus for a period of time.  In order to respond to the emergency, you will need to: 

  1. Assess the effects of the hurricane in order to adjust students’ workload, test schedules, and other activities then update the syllabus accordingly. 
  2. Figure out a communication method that can reach as many students as possible (if not all) during the emergency period.  Keep in mind that you or your students may lose Internet or power if the weather is severe. 
  3. Search for alternative storage space for the core content that you have in Blackboard, just in case Blackboard becomes unavailable but students need to access them during or after a disaster. 
  4. Make announcements to students as early as possible regarding your emergency plan. 

Are you prepared?

You can check your readiness level with the following 7 steps: