Ph.D. in English Literature
Including Concentration in Rhetoric, Composition, and Pedagogy (RCP)
The Ph.D. in English and the Ph.D. in English with a concentration in Rhetoric, Composition, and Pedagogy offer innovative, multidisciplinary curriculum; dedicated advising and mentorship from the English department’s dynamic faculty; and solid preparation for expert teaching in the university classroom. The English Ph.D. curriculum is comprised of professional development courses, courses in a curricular area stream, and elective courses. As part of their curricular plans, all English department Ph.D. students must enroll in one of five curricular area streams:
- Critical Studies of the Americas
- Critical Poetics
- Empire Studies
- Translingual Studies
- Rhetoric, Composition, and Pedagogy (For RCP students only; these students will be automatically enrolled in this area stream.)
Each area stream balances training in foundational disciplinary knowledge with opportunities for specialization that engender creative research and independent thinking. Area stream selections also support Ph.D. students by providing dedicated faculty advising and an intellectual community of faculty mentors and graduate student colleagues. The degree offers preparation for creative and scholarly publication and for success in a variety of arts and humanities professions.
Minimum Requirements for Admission
- M.A. in English or M.F.A. in creative writing
- 3.5 GPA in graduate studies
Application Deadline: February 1st
Degree Requirements: Ph.D. in English Literature
- 36 hours of coursework (four semesters of full-time study) in this distribution:
- 3 hours Introduction to Doctoral Studies
- 3 hours Writing for Publication
12 hours Area Stream
- Empire Studies
- Critical Studies of the Americas
- Critical Poetics
- Translingual Studies
- Rhetoric, Composition, and Pedagogy (RCP students only)
18 hours Elective Courses, each contributing to the student’s area of expertise. Students should select each of these courses in consultation with his/her faculty mentors.
- 3 hours Early Literature (pre-1900)
- 3 hours Later Literature (post-1900)
If students have taken a course or courses (up to 9 hours) that meet requirements in their M.A., the requirements will be waived, allowing students to take additional elective courses (but not reducing the total required hours toward the degree).
- Foreign language (reading knowledge of two foreign languages or intensive knowledge of one foreign language)
- Doctoral Exams
- 2 written exams (one major field; one sub-field)
- 1 oral exam
- Dissertation Prospectus
- Dissertation
Degree Requirements: Ph.D. in English Literature, with a concentration in RCP
- 36 hours of coursework (four semesters of full-time study) in the following distribution:
- 6 hours Professional Development
- 3 hours Intro to Doctoral Studies
- 3 hours Writing for Publication OR Seminar in Rhetoric and Composition II
- 12 hours Area Stream: Rhetoric, Composition, and Pedagogy
- 3 hours Methodology
- 9 hours Composition, Linguistics, Pedagogy, and Rhetoric
- 18 hours Elective Courses, each contributing to the student’s area of expertise. Students should select each of these courses in consultation with his/her faculty mentors.
- If students have taken a course or courses (up to 9 hours) that meet requirements in their M.A., the requirements will be waived, allowing students to take additional elective courses (but not reducing the total required hours toward the degree). Additionally, students may take up to 9 hours of coursework in departments outside of English. These courses will count toward elective hours.
- 6 hours Professional Development
- Foreign language (reading knowledge of two foreign languages or intensive knowledge of one foreign language)
- Doctoral Exams
- 2 written exams (one major field; one sub-field)
- 1 oral exam
- Dissertation Prospectus
- Dissertation
Application Materials
Consult the UH Graduate School for detailed instructions on how to submit your application electronically. The English Department requires the following materials:
- Online application and application fee.
- Three letters of recommendation from people who know your academic work well, usually former professors. Letters will be solicited by the UH Admissions Office and submitted electronically.
- Unofficial transcripts (with degrees posted) may be uploaded with your online application. If you are accepted, you will need to send official academic transcripts (sealed in the issuing envelope) from every university or college you have attended. Official transcripts should be sent directly to the UH Graduate Admissions Office (University of Houston, Graduate Admissions, P.O. Box 3947, Houston, TX 77253-3947).
- Your Statement of Intent (300-600 words, double-spaced)
- A 15-25-page critical writing sample with bibliography, usually one of your strongest graduate papers.
General Policies and Procedures
Program Guidelines are available here. Additional university policies may be found in the Graduate Catalog.