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REEI Courses

Below is a list of recent courses offered in the area of Russian and Eastern European studies at UH.

History, Literature, and Culture

HIST 3395 Russian Empire (A. Golubev)
HIST 4343 Russian Revolutions and Stalinism (A. Golubev)
HIST 3362 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (A. Golubev)
HIST 6306 Communist Modernity (A. Golubev)
HIST 4395 Russian Revolution in Film and Fiction (A. Golubev)


Unfortunately, there is no Russian language instruction at the current stage at UH.

Image: Aleksandr Deyneka, Krest’ianka, idi v kolkhoz! [Join the collectivized farms, Peasant Woman!], 1930. Poster collection, Hoover Institution Archives. Source.