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External Users

Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks exists to protect brand, image and reputation of the University of Houston. The team's mission is to ensure the public can identify with and trust the quality of any product bearing an official brand indicia. These are valuable intellectual property assets of the University of Houston System, and their use is governed by UH System policies. Individuals and entities that are not part of the UH System and are seeking to use UH brand indicia for non-commercial, commercial or partnership purposes should contact Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks to secure permission for use and ensure compliance with all UH System policies.

If you are looking for information about UH licensing, you can find it on the Licensing page or contact us via email at

Table of Contents

UH System Policy

The use of the University of Houston’s trademarks is governed by the UH System Policy linked below:

SAM 01.D.03 Trademark Management

This policy protects brand, image and reputation by establishing guidelines and procedures governing when and how third parties outside the UH System may use UH marks in communications and on merchandise. With few exceptions, third parties outside the UH System are only permitted to use UH marks under the terms of a UHS license agreement or by receiving express written permission from designated university officials.

Commercial Use

Commercial use occurs whenever a third party applies University of Houston trademarks to goods that are being produced and marketed for sale. Any company, group or individual wishing to use University of Houston trademarks on merchandise must obtain a merchandise license agreement from the University of Houston System’s licensing agency of record, Affinity Licensing. The license agreement will specify the trademarks that may be used, the goods the licensee is authorized to produce, and the channels of distribution and sale the licensee may utilize to sell the goods. University of Houston System licensees are obligated to pay a royalty on all merchandise they sell bearing UH trademarks.

If you are interested in obtaining a merchandise license for the University of Houston, please contact Affinity Licensing by visiting the Affinity's application website.

Non-Commercial Use

Individuals, companies or organizations outside the University of Houston seeking to use UH brand indicia for non-commercial purposes, such as highlighting a partnership with UH on a flyer or placing a UH mark on an event website or materials to indicate UH participation or sponsorship, must complete the Intellectual Property Use Permission form and submit it as an attachment to an email sent to If approved, this form grants permission for an outside entity to use the designated University intellectual property for a specific purpose and length of time. The form does not give the outside entity permission to use the University’s marks on an ongoing or general basis.

If you have questions about whether an Intellectual Property Use Permission form is required, please email for guidance.

Intellectual Property Use Permission Request Process:

  1. Fill out the Intellectual Property Use Permission form linked above. The completed form provides the information necessary to process your request quickly and easily. Please attach the completed form as a .pdf or scan (.pdf or .jpg) to an email sent to
  2. The Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks team will review the request with the Vice President of Marketing & Communications then contact you with feedback or approval.
  3. Following approval, Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks will deliver the requested logo files or assets.
  4. All materials created using the provided UH trademarks must then be submitted to for review and approval prior to use. We do this to ensure the UH assets comply with all applicable use guidelines.

University Partnerships

Clearly defining relationships between the University of Houston and its partners is the key to ensuring appropriate branding of materials for the benefit of both UH and its partners. For branding purposes, “partnership” refers to a formal relationship between the University of Houston and an outside entity or entities supported and defined by the terms of a legal agreement, such as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a contract. The table below is a general guide to partnership types and the appropriate branding for each type of relationship.

Type of Partnership UH Brand Partner Brand Who Creates Content and Materials Contract or IP Use Permission Form Required
UH is the lead partner X UH
UH is an equal partner X X UH or Partner X - if the partner is creating
UH is neither the lead nor an equal partner X Partner X
UH is supported by an external partner X Partner X
UH is a/the sponsor of an external partner X Partner X

University of Houston is the lead partner

If the University of Houston is the lead partner in the relationship, the UH brand takes precedence and all materials should be designed with UH branding as the primary brand elements setting the overall tone for all materials.

University of Houston is an equal partner

If the University of Houston and its partners have equal status in the relationship, the University of Houston brand should not take precedence. Neutral branding should be used to accommodate all parties.

University of Houston is neither the lead nor an equal partner

If the University of Houston is neither the lead partner nor an equal partner in a relationship with external entities, the primary brand elements for all materials should reflect either the primary partner or be neutral in nature.

University of Houston is supported by an external partner

If an external party is communicating support or sponsorship of the University of Houston or any of its programs, the University of Houston brand should not be used, and any such marketing materials or communications should not be represented as official correspondence from the University. These materials may include a phrase indicating that the external party supports or sponsors UH or its program but may not include UH branding. An example of a phrase that could be included is: “The Friends of Women’s Studies supports the Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies program at the University of Houston.”

University of Houston is a/the sponsor of an external partner

If the University of Houston has endorsed, sponsored or given support to another organization, the UH logo should be used in materials, together with language that clearly indicates the relationship between the University of Houston and the sponsored organization.

Need Help?

If you are an individual or entity outside the University of Houston and are interested in using UH trademarks, or if you have questions about appropriate branding for UH partnerships or other relationships, please contact so we may assist you.