University of Houston Brand Style Guide
The University of Houston brand consists of much more than logos and trademarks. The colors, typography, graphics, design, photography, video and editorial style that make up the UH brand are concrete expressions that convey the University’s brand pillars and personality traits in all of our communications and marketing materials.
By having a strong, unified brand we shape our audience perception and cultivate a personal connection through the stories we tell. You can obtain brand-approved assets for the elements described below in the Download Zone.
Table of Contents
The selection of our primary color palette showcases our bold nature. Our secondary and tertiary colors incorporate a range of warm, deep complementary hues while providing a creative yet prominent palette. Red (PMS 186) is the University of Houston’s main color (Go Coogs!) and should be present in designs whenever possible.
Primary Brand Colors
- Red*
RGB: 200-16-46
CMYK: 0-100-81-4
PMS 186 C
Hex: #C8102E - Teal
RGB: 0-179-136
CMYK: 84-0-59-0
PMS 339 C
Hex: #00B388 - Gold
RGB: 246-190-0
CMYK: 0-29-100-0
PMS 7408 C
Hex: #F6BE00 - Gray*
RGB: 136-139-141
CMYK: 26-16-13-46
PMS Cool Gray 8 C
Hex: #888B8D - Cream
RGB: 255-249-217
CMYK: 1-2-24-0
PMS 7499 C
Hex: #FFF9D9 - White
RGB: 255-255-255
CMYK: 0-0-0-0
PMS White
Secondary Brand Colors
- Brick
RGB: 150-12-34
CMYK: 8-97-76-31
PMS 704 C
Hex: #960C22 - Green*
RGB: 0-134-108
CMYK: 100-10-61-38
PMS 328 C
Hex: #00866C - Mustard
RGB: 216-155-0
CMYK: 10-30-100-0
PMS 124 C
Hex: #D89B00 - Slate
RGB: 84-88-90
CMYK: 45-29-26-76
PMS 425 C
Hex: #54585A
Tertiary Brand Colors
- Chocolate
RGB: 100-8-23
CMYK: 26-85-85-72
PMS 490 C
Hex: #640817 - Forest
RGB: 0-89-80
CMYK: 95-25-70-68
PMS 3305 C
Hex: #005950 - Ocher*
RGB: 185-120-0
CMYK: 9-35-98-30
PMS 1245 C
Hex: #B97800 - Black
RGB: 0-0-0
CMYK: 0-0-0-100
PMS Black
Hex: #000000
Colors with labels in white text are dark enough to display behind white text and meet minimum AA accessibility contrast requirements. Those with labels in black will not pass AA accessibility behind white text. Those with an asterisk (*) can pass with either white or black text. When pairing any other color of text, always check that the contrast ratio meets minimum accessibility requirements.
The University of Houston’s fonts are a visual extension of the brand. League Gothic, Milo and Crimson are the three mainstays that provide a strong, refined, yet academic style representative of the University and strengthen the brand with consistent use. Use all three typefaces to create emphasis and information and messaging within your communications.
League Gothic is the headline font in the University of Houston’s brand and should be used for big typographic moments.
Milo is the typeface suitable for subheads, pull quotes, title pages and instances where legibility must be immediate, such as billboards.
- Milo Extralight
- Milo Extralight Italic
- Milo Regular
- Milo Italic
- Milo Bold
- Milo Bold Italic
- Milo Black
- Milo Black Italic
Crimson is the primary supporting typeface for the UH brand. It is suitable for use in body copy and subheads.
- Crimson Regular
- Crimson Italic
- Crimson Semibold
- Crimson Semibold Italic
- Crimson Bold
- Crimson Bold Italic
Limited Use
Alex Brush is a limited-use display font in the University’s brand. It is an option to be used sparingly on materials created for formal events. Some usage examples for this font include black tie events, VIP greetings and holiday cards. This font should not be used with a shadow behind it or in all caps. It should not be used for significant blocks of text. We encourage the primary use of Milo, League Gothic and Crimson on materials.
Having Trouble With Fonts?
If you’re having trouble incorporating the university fonts in your communications, Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks can help. Email us at, and we’ll work with you to find compliant solutions.
Graphics & Design
Graphics are a key part of our identity. Our graphics utilize current elements of the brand and introduce new and interesting methods to create effective communications. This style accommodates a wide range of skills, allowing for simple layouts to more complex layered designs. Below are examples of the various elements that make up our graphic style.
Brand Typography
Brand typography should be used as a graphic element. With three different fonts available, they can be used with brand colors to create interesting text treatments. The placement and creative uses of the font should convey as much meaning as the words.
Layered Graphics, Text and Images
Continue to use strong photos that align with UH brand photography but make sure that the photo has a layout or composition that allows for layering of graphics and text.

Gradients and Transparency

Shapes, Lines and Color Blocking
Use geometric shapes, lines, and blocks of color to engage with text and images.

Our single-colored icons reveal direct yet high-spirited elements that support our story and build on creativity.
The idea behind the icons is to keep them simplistic and direct to make bold visual statements that support the copy. Designed as flat, single-color symbols, icons should not be used for decorative purposes and should be used as support elements in larger illustrations or secondary visuals.
Please Note: Icons are not logos and should not be used to identify a department, college, program or University business unit.
Houston’s brand of photography strives for an in-the-moment feeling. We use images captured from unexpected angles or vantage points to create a candid feel. Photos including university officers or leadership must be submitted to for review and approval prior to publication or posting.
Portraits, especially, should show the confidence and focus on the subject without feeling staged. The lighting should give the photographs an overall warmth and help them drive the aspirational tone.
Action/Group Shots
Using more candid shots is what makes the brand’s photography feel approachable. It has a tonal warmth while still showing a confidence in the subjects. The lighting and lens flares demonstrate the brand’s aspirational ideals.
Campus/Object Shots
Unexpected angles are employed in the campus shots as well. This type of photography should be more staged and laid out with intention unlike the photographs with human subjects.
Duotone and Monotone Photo Techniques
This photo technique is an option that uses the colors from the brand palette in combination with black and white photos to create colorful graphic images. Please note: the images that are used with this technique still need to remain in the brand style.
Photography Don’ts
It’s helpful to see the great shots, but it’s also important to know what to avoid when capturing photography. Here are some photography don’ts.
Dated Technology
Forced diversity/Too staged
Too staged/Photo aware ruins candidness
Videos should follow the same general guidelines outlined for photography. Striving for candid shots, capturing insightful moments and finding unexpected angles help create videos that have a sense of warmth to help UH tell its stories genuinely and honestly.
Copy and Editorial
First impressions make a difference. Printed and online publications, distributed to internal and external audiences, are a vital part of our image. While we are a mix of colleges and institutes, centers and programs, we are one University — the University of Houston — and it is important to show consistency in the way we present ourselves.
For guidance a detailed information on the University of Houston’s editorial style, please refer to the Editorial Styleguide.