Survival Guide

Accounts Payable

AP Payments
Choosing the Right Account
Document Imaging for Vouchers
Interagency Payments and Receipts Using RTI
Local Travel Non-Overnight Personal 
Local Travel Reimbursement Checklist
Looking Up an Account Definition
Procurement Card
Prompt Payment and Payment Scheduling
PO Encumbrance
PO Vouchers
SC Voucher Workflow
State Travel Reimbursement Checklist
Travel Card
Voucher Workflow

Prompt Payment and Payment Scheduling


Entering the Correct Dates on Vouchers

It is very important to enter the correct dates on a voucher. The Invoice Date helps to prevent duplicate payments, and the Goods Receipt Date and Invoice Receipt Date determine when some vouchers are scheduled for payment and how much interest will be paid to the vendor if the payment is late.

Invoice Date – date printed on the invoice by the vendor. The Finance System will give you a warning message if you try to enter the same invoice number and date for the same vendor. Therefore, it is very important that Invoice Number is entered exactly as it appears on the invoice (including upper/lower case letters) and that the Invoice Date is entered correctly.

Invoice Receipt Date – date the invoice is first received by the University. Invoices should be stamped in when they are first received or the date they are received should be written on the invoice. If an invoice is mailed to one department and rerouted to another department, the Invoice Receipt Date is when it is received at the first department. If the invoice received date does not appear on the invoice, the Invoice Date will be used as the Invoice Receipt Date.

Goods Receipt Date – date that goods are received or services completed. If the PO or contract allows additional time for inspection, the Goods Receipt Date will be the date that the department determines the order is correct and complete or when the inspection period ends, whichever comes first. For a lease, subscription, or membership, the Goods Receipt Date is always the last day of the lease, subscription, or membership period for which you are paying.

Acceptance Date – date that goods are received or services completed. Enter the same date as the Goods Receipt Date.

For employee, student, and regent reimbursements, all of the above dates can be the date the voucher was created. Reimbursements to employees, students, and regents are scheduled to pay immediately regardless of the dates entered on the voucher and they are not eligible to receive late payment interest.

Scheduling Payments

Vouchers automatically scheduled to pay immediately (i.e., the Scheduled Due Date equals the date the voucher is created):

  • Local fund vouchers
  • State fund vouchers $5,000 or less
  • Payments to UHS students, employees, and regents
  • Payments to UHS departments, service centers, and auxiliaries
  • Payments to utility and telephone companies (to avoid interruption of service)
  • Payments to most state and federal agencies (e.g., Comptroller’s Office, IRS, etc.)
State vouchers over $5,000 are schedule to pay (i.e., the Scheduled Due Date equals) 30 days after the later of the Invoice Receipt Date and the Goods Receipt Date. These vouchers may be paid earlier by changing the Scheduled Due Date after the voucher is first saved.

Reasons for changing the Scheduled Due Date to an earlier date include:
  • Avoid vendor hardship – attach request from vendor for early payment. “Due Immediately” on invoice is not an adequate reason for paying early.
  • Refund or other payment that is not for goods or services – document type of payment on voucher
Late Interest Payments

On vouchers to vendors outside the University, the Net Due Date is calculated as 30 days after the later of the Invoice Receipt Date and the Goods Receipt Date. Payments made after the Net Due Date are considered late and may pay interest to the vendor.

Vouchers automatically exempt from paying late interest:
  • Payments to students, employees, and regents
  • Payments to UHS departments, service centers, and auxiliaries
  • Payments on vouchers with fund 5 cost centers (grants)
  • Payments to other State of Texas agencies, except for Texas Correctional Industries
  • Payments with local fund vouchers where the calculated interest is $5.00 or less
For vouchers not exempt from paying late interest, voucher creators may change the Late Payment Charge on the voucher from “C” (compute late charges) to “N” (not applicable) and select a two-digit Payment Reason Code for not paying interest under various circumstances. Below are the most common reasons for refusing interest.
  • Disputed payment (DP) – dispute over goods/services or invoice. Vendor must be notified in writing of the dispute within 21 days of invoice receipt or delivery. Notification and resolution, if any, must be attached to the voucher.
  • No invoice (NI) – the vendor did not provide an invoice. Payment must be based on the predetermined rates and quantities defined in a quote, PO, or contract.
  • Advance payments (AP) – payments issued before goods or services are provided. Requirement for advanced payment must be stated in a PO or contract.
  • Invoice mailing instructions not followed (MI) – invoice mailed to a different address than indicated on the PO or contract.
All vouchers eligible for late interest charges, should be submitted to Accounts Payable for approval no later than 10 days before the Net Due Date. See MAPP 04.01.10, Prompt Payment and Payment Scheduling, for more information about payment scheduling and late interest.

Forms If you have any questions, please call any of the following people:
  • Cissy Bean, 713-743-8711
  • Samantha Yurus, 713-743-8721
  • Mike Glisson, 713-743-8706