Faculty Profile - University of Houston
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Faculty Profile

Donna StokesDonna Stokes

Department of Physics

Office: Science & Research 1, 531C
Contact: dstokes@uh.edu - (713) 743-3588

Education: Ph.D., University of Houston

Google Scholar Profile

Scientific Research

Dr. Stokes’ scientific research focuses on understanding the structural and optical properties of semiconductor materials for the development of novel detectors and lasers for infrared applications. She utilizes research tools such as FTIR spectroscopy and X-Ray diffraction to understand the relationship of the nanostructure of materials to its optical response.

Educational Research

Dr. Stokes is involved in educational research which focusses on preparation of Science and Math teachers for secondary education and on physics education research focusing improving student success in physics courses. Her approach utilizes inquiry based teaching and learning strategies for promotion of success in learning communities. She is currently an American Physical Society (APS) PhysTEC Fellow.

  • The influence of parents on undergraduate and graduate students’ entering the STEM disciplines and STEM careers, Cheryl J. Craig, Rakesh Verma, Donna Stokes, Paige Evans & Bobby Abrol, International Journal of Science Education, DOI:10.1080/09500693.2018.1431853 (2018).
  • The embodied nature of narrative knowledge: A cross-study analysis of embodied knowledge in teaching, learning, and life knowledge in teaching, learning, and life, Cheryl J. Craig. JeongAe You,, Yali Zou, Rakesh Verma, Donna Stokes, Paige Evans, Gayle Curtis, Teaching and Teacher Education, 71, 329 (2018).
  • Propagation of THz acoustic wave packets in GaN at room temperature, Maznev, A. A., Hung, T.-C., Yao, Y.-T., Chou, T.-H., Gandhi, J. S., Lindsay, L., Shin, H. D., Stokes, D. W., Forrest, R. L., Bensaoula, A., Sun, C.-K. and Nelson, K. A., Appl. Phys. Lett., 112, 061903 (2018).
  • Math Remediation Intervention for Student Success in the Algebra-Based Introductory Physics Course, Forrest, R.L., Stokes, D.W., Burridge, A.B. and Voight, C.D., Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13, 20137 (2017).
  • Developing STEM Teachers through both Informal and Formal Learning Experiences, Stokes, D., Evans, P. and Craig, C., Search and Research: Teacher Education for Contemporary Context. Editors Juanjo Mena, Ana Garcia Valcarcel, Francisco Garcia-Penalvo and Marta Martin del Pozo, Publiusher Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (2017).
  • Attracting, preparing and retaining teachers in high need areas: A science as inquiry model of teacher education. Chapter in M. Peters, B. Cowie & I. Mentor (Eds.) A companion to research in teacher education., Craig, C., Evans, P., Stokes, D. & Bott, S., New York, NY: Springer Publishing. (2017).
  • Recruitment, Retention and Preparation of Secondary Physics and Chemistry Teachers. Stokes, D., Evans, P., Craig, C., & Bott, S., American Physical Society Forum on Education Newsletter (Fall 2016).
  • Pre-testing and early Intervention in Introductory General Physics I, Forrest, R.L., Stokes, D.W., and Voight, C.D., Publications from the 6th International Technology Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain (March 2012).
  • Effect of strain on the growth of InAs/GaSb superlattices: An x-ray diffraction study J. H. Li, D. W. Stokes, J. C Wickett, O. Caha, K. E. Bassler, and S. C. Moss 
J. Appl. Phys., 107, 123504 (2010).
  • Short Period InAs/GaSb superlattices for mid-infrared photodetectors, H.J. Haugan, F. Szmulowicz, G.J. Brown, B. Ullrich, S.R. Munshi, S. Elhamri, J,C. Wickett and D.W. Stokes, Phys. Stat. Sol., 4, 1702-1706 (2007).


University of Houston Group Teaching Excellence Award 2017
University of Houston Provost Academic Advising Award 2011
National Science Foundation Career Award 2003
National Research Council Post-Doctoral Associateship award 1998


American Physical Society (APS), 1991 – Present
Texas Section of the American Physical Society (TSAPS),
International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching (ISATT)
National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
National Society of Black Physicist (NSBP)
American Educational and Research Association (AERA)
Society of Physics Students (SPS)
Alpha Chi Honors Society
Sigma Pi Sigma Honor Society


Fellow, American Physical Society Physic Teachers Coalition (PhysTEC), 2017 – Present
Undergraduate Academic Advisor, University of Houston Department of Physics, 2006 – Present


Faculty Advisor, Astronomy Society at the University of Houston (2017 – Present)
Faculty Advisor, Society of Physics Students (2006-Present)
Day of Discovery - IDEA Public School, Brownsville – Physics Demonstrations (February 2018)
Mars Rover – Physics Demonstrations Organizer (January 2018)
Energy Day – Physics Demonstrations (October 2017)
StatOil Summer Camp – Physics Demonstrations (June and July 2017)
UH Staff Council Take Your Child to Work Day – Physics Demonstrations (June 2017)
Girls Exploring Math and Science (GEMS) Houston Museum of Natural Sciences – Physics Demonstrations (February 2016, February 2017)
Girls Inc Summer Camp – Camp BitSmart Volunteer organizer (July 2016, 2017)
Cougar STEM Camps (3 day outreach) – Physics Demonstrations (July 2016)
San Jacinto Community College STEMtastic Adventures Summer Camp – Physics Demonstrations (June 2016)
ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Science Camper – Physics Demonstrations (June 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013)
Adventures in STEM – A Houston Area Science and Engineering Festival sponsored by Dow Chemical Physics Demonstrations (March 2017, 2016)
UH Calculus I Course –Physics Demonstration (October 2015)