2018 Texas Women in Mathematics Symposium
The 2018 Texas Women in Mathematics Symposium will be held at University of Houston, November 17-18th, 2018.
As previous, the TWIMS symposium will have presentation sessions, and this year, we will also include a poster session. Other activities include a career workshop and a panel session that aim for graduate and undergraduate students.
We are delighted that our keynote speaker is Dr. Suncica Canic (Cullen Distinguished Professor, University of Houston & Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley). Dr. Canic is a prominent professor in applied mathematics. Her research interests include hemodynamics and compressible flows. In 2014, she was elected as a Fellow for SIAM, and she recently received Farfel award, University of Houston’s highest honor for faculty for her achievements in research and service.
In addition, participants have the opportunity to:
- Learn about the research of other women in Texas
- Present their work in a supportive environment
- Network with other Texas women mathematicians
- Explore issues surrounding being a woman in mathematics
The link to registration form is posted on our website at www.math.uh.edu/twims. You can also find other information like the schedule and resources on the conference website.
If you have any question, feel free to email us at twims.uh@gmail.com.