Six Biology and Biochemistry Faculty Honored at UH Faculty Excellence Awards Dinner

Awards Include Moores Professorship and Teaching Excellence Awards for Provost’s Core and Group Teaching

Congratulations to the six Department of Biology and Biochemistry faculty members honored for excellence in the areas of teaching, research and service.

The awards, given each year at the “UH Faculty Excellence Awards Dinner,” are one of the highest honors bestowed by the University of Houston.

Moores Professorship

Preethi Gunaratne, Biology & Biochemistry

Five-year, renewable Moores Professorships are given to faculty who are outstanding in teaching, research and service. Recipients of this prestigious award receive a $10,000 stipend annually.

Teaching Excellence Award – Provost’s Core

Donna Pattison, Biology & Biochemistry

This award is given to faculty in recognition of outstanding teaching in the core curriculum.

Teaching Excellence Award – Group Teaching

The award recognizes faculty who demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching and student success, who have worked together collaboratively to improve student outcomes.

Galapago! Teaching Team

Ricardo Azevedo, Biology & Biochemistry
Ann Cheek, Biology & Biochemistry
Tony Frankino, Biology & Biochemistry
Andrew Hamilton, Dean’s Office
Marc Hanke, Honors College
Rebecca Zufall, Biology & Biochemistry

- Kathy Major, College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics