areté Alumni News

The Karim Family Legacy
Alumni legacy family Jason, Justin and Nadia, and Alicia Karim share their stories.
Twenty Years After: Jane Cizik and the Origin of The Great Conversation In the event's twentieth year, we look back at its origins through the eyes of alumna Jane Cizik, this year's honoree.
College Hosts Cougar Junior Scholars Camp The Honors College brings scholars in even younger with its first ever camp for 7th and 8th graders.
Honors Mentorship Program Builds Community and Cougar Pride The mentoring program, now in its second year, helps students acclimate to college life.
Honors Continues to Grow, Attracts Mid-Career Students The College has increased its attention on mid-career students. Plus, read about the contributions of mid-career students Nicholas Leschke and Katherine Berry.
Honors in Phoenix Honors students, faculty, and staff make the trip to Phoenix to present at the annual Honors conference.
Honors Launches History Project Dean Monroe calls all Honors alumni to tell their story as part of a new project.
Alumni Association Reignites The Honors Alumni Association has found new energy through its new leadership.
Advisory Board Update The Honors College Advisory board takes a more active approach.
The Moya Family Legacy Siblings Paula and Eric Moya tell their Honors stories.
Areté launches a new set of columns for each of its minors.
Minors and Programs: Center for Creative Work Read about the CCW's endeavors, including The Aletheia, Book Swap, Artists and Their Regions, and Dionysia.
Minors and Programs: The Human Situation Human Sit's fall semester was full, including news about the events in course itself (The Human Situation), The Craft of Writing, Profblog, and Prizes and Awards.
Minors and Programs: New Academic Advisor Robert Cremins Professor Robert Cremins takes on an expanded role as a new academic advisor focusing on the Honors minors and programs.
Minors and Programs: Medicine & Society The Medicine & Society column focuses on a profile of student Josh Ellis, as well as news about the Verghese Lecture, The Ether Dome, Fall Classes, and Death and Dissection.
Minors and Programs: Office of Undergraduate Research Read about OUR student Safa Ansari-Bayegan, SURFers, and Undergraduate Research Days.
Minors and Programs: Phronesis The program launched a new lecture series this fall; read about Debating Conservatism and Progressivism as well as responses to the speakers in Response to Thomas Spragens and Response to Patrick Deneen.