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UH2O Water Filling Stations

Facilities Services is proud to maintain the UH2O Water Filling Stations on campus. These stations help to support one of the many sustainable efforts of UH students, faculty and staff.

The University has installed 65 UH2O water filling station units on campus and they have been used over 3 million times -- they encourage the reuse of water bottles helping keep disposable water bottles out of the landfill and waste stream.  The UH2O water bottle filling stations were recognized as part of the 2013 Mayor’s Proud Partner Keep Houston Beautiful competition.

In February 2016 at the University of Houston RecycleMania Kickoff event a Water Taste Test Challenge was sponsored by the Sustainability Office. Participants tasted three different samplings of drinking water.  The challenge featured water samples from the UH2O campus water filling stations and two different nationally-recognized bottled water brands. The idea behind this competition was to showcase how our very own UH2O filling station water, which is double filtered, is not only a sustainable and cheaper alternative but it tastes good too! The results of the challenge were calculated and the preferred water is UH2O, by almost two to one!  

UH2O Water Taste Test Results


Labels are affixed on the front of the UH2O water filling stations to help communicate to the campus community how to report any maintenance or repair needs related to the units. Facilities Services maintains the stations but needs additional help from students, faculty and staff specifically to notice when a filter needs to be changed.  When the filter change light, located on the front of each unit, turns from green to yellow or red, it’s time to change the filter.    


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