Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline Reporting
Each individual at every level within the University of Houston has an obligation to perform his or her duties with the highest degree of honesty and integrity. The University is committed to preventing, detecting, and correcting violations of law and University policy. Any member of the University of Houston community can report a situation or conduct they believe violates a law, regulation or University policy.
Maintaining safe and secure campuses throughout the University of Houston System remains a top priority and our Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline plays a crucial role in those efforts (Communication from the Chancellor 11/22/21)
The University of Houston has selected ClearView Connects to operate our Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline to provide you with a simple way to make such reports. ClearView Connects hosts the reporting hotline on secure servers that are not part of the University's website or intranet and your reporting may be anonymous.
or call 1-866-843-4379 to report confidentially to a Hotline representative.
Note that the Hotline should not be used to report a situation that poses an immediate threat to life or property. These types of reports should be directed to UHPD at x33333 or call 911.