Guillermo De Los Reyes, Ph.D.

Department Chair
Associate Professor, Latin American Culture and Literature
Department of Hispanic Studies
Associate Director, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program
Faculty in Residence, 2011-2016
Office: 413 AH
Phone: (713) 743-3716
Fax: (713) 743-0935
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Dr. Guillermo De Los Reyes is an Associate Professor of Latin American Cultures and Literatures and Director of Undergraduate Studies. He also serves as Associate Director of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and he is a Faculty-in-Residence since 2011. He holds a Ph.D. and a M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania (2004, 1999) and a M.A. and B.A. from the Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (1997, 1994). Dr. De Los Reyes’ research interests are: Colonial Mesoamerica; gender, sexuality, and queer theory; Latin American cultural studies; secret and fraternal societies; and policy studies.
Dr. De Los Reyes is the author of Herencias Secretas: Masonería, política y sociedad en México (2009: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) and is currently working on a book-length project entitled: “El pecado nefando:” Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in Colonial Mexico. Prof. De Los Reyes is member of the Board of Directors of two international organizations: Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars, where he serves as Director of Membership and Policy Studies Organization, where he is Vice-President for publications. In addition he is a Life Member of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) where he is Secretary/Treasurer of the Sexualities Section. Dr. De los Reyes serves as a member of two Editorial Boards: Íkala: revista de lenguaje y cultura and Politics & Policy. Dr. De Los Reyes is Editor-in-Chief of the Sexuality, Gender & Policy Studies Journal Sexuality, Gender & Policy - Wiley Online Library.
- Ph.D in – University of Pennsylvania (2004)
- M.A. in Folklore and Folklife – University of Pennsylvania (1999)
- M.A. in American Studies – Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (1997)
- B.A. in International Relations– Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (1994)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Colonial Latin American Literatures and cultures
- Mexican culture, Pre-Hispanic to present
- Popular Culture and Folklore in the Americas
- Cultural Studies: gender, sexuality, queer theory, identity, nationalism
- Business Spanish and Cross-cultural communication
- Voluntary Organizations, Fraternal Orders, and Democracy
Courses Taught
- Public Speaking
- Spanish American Literature from 1492-1850
- Written and Oral Communication in Spanish
- Spanish for Business and Trade
- Spanish for the Global Professions
- Spanish American Culture and Civilization
- Introduction to Hispanic Literature
- Colonial discourse
- Colonial Latin American Discourse
- Research Methods
- Mexican and Chicano/a Cultural Studies
- Gender, Race and Class in Colonial Latin America
- Modern Spanish-American Narrative to 1950
- Herencias Secretas: Masonería, política y sociedad en México. Puebla, México: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla-Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, 2009.
- Abominable Sins: Rethinking and Rewriting Gender and Sexuality in Colonial Mexico (1542–1750). In process
- Freemasonry in Mexico: The Secret Heritage (translation of Herencias secretas: Masonería, política y sociedad en México). Washington, D. C., Westphalia Press & Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla-Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, (Forthcoming 2024).
Edited Books/Journals
- Female Emancipation and Masonic Membership: An Essential Collection, Westphalia Press, Washington, DC, 2023.
- “Sexuality, Gender and Health”, Special Joint-Issue, World Medical & Health Policy, & Sexuality, Gender and Policy, co-editor with Bonnie Stabile. Spring 2022.
- “Gender and Freemasonry: An Introduction”. Special Issue: REHMLAC: Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña. (December 2020-April 2021.)
- “Latin American Freemasonry: An Historiographical Perspective.” Special Issue: Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Journal. Fall 2017.
- Getting the Third Degree: Fraternalism, Freemasonry and History. Westphalia Press, Washington, DC, 2016. (co-edited with Paul Rich)
- Mexico en 1554. by Francisco Cervantes de Salazar. Preface and Edition, Westphalia Press, Washington, DC, 2015.
- L'Enfant and the Freemasons. H. Paul Caemmerer's The Life of Pierre Charles L'Enfant. Introduction and Edition, Westphalia Press, Washington, DC, 2013.
- Civil Society and Democratization. California and London: Sage Periodicals Press 1999, (co-edited with Isidro Morales and Paul Rich)
- Policy Review Journal 15 (Summer/Autumn 1998) Special Issue: Latin America and Policy Studies (co-edited with Paul Rich)
- American Behavioral Scientist 40 (June/July 1997) Special Issue: United States-Mexican Interaction: Shifting Cultures and Identities (co-edited with Paul Rich).
- Journal of American Culture 20.2 (1997) Special Issue (co-edited with Paul Rich).
- NAFTA Revisited: Expectations and Realities. The Annals of the American Academy of Political Sciences 551 (March 1997) Special Issue (co-edited with Paul Rich).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters (selected list)
- “New perspectives on Latin American Freemasonry: three case studies.” Routledge Studies in the History of the Americas (book series) London: Routledge, 2022.
- “La década de 1990: la figura de sor Juana se agiganta cada vez más.” La recepción literaria de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y la crítica: un siglo de apreciaciones críticas (1960-2000). Edited by Rosa Perelmuter. New York: IDEA, 2021.
- “The Folklorization of Queer Theory: Public Spaces, Pride, and Gay Neoliberalism.” Advancing Folkloristics, Indiana University Press, 2021 (co authored with Cory Thorne).
- “Secularización, Nacionalismo y Escuela de Formación políticas: Las logias masónicas en el México postrevolucionario.” Historia Mínima de la Masonería en México. Zacatecas, Mexico: Texere Editores, 2021
- “Problemática racial, de sexualidad y de género: encrucijadas de la masonería norteamericana en el siglo XXI”. Exclusión. 300 años: masonerías y masones, 1717-2017, Vol. 4, Yvan Pozuelos, Ricardo Martínez and Rogelio Aragon, Eds. Mexico City: Palabra de Clío: historiadores mexicanos, (co author Paul Rich), 2018
- “Introducción: Exclusión”. Exclusión. 300 años: masonerías y masones, 1717-2017, Vol. 4, Yvan Pozuelos, Ricardo Martínez and Rogelio Aragon, Eds. Mexico City: Palabra de Clío: historiadores mexicanos, 2018.
- Masonería y la sociedad civil: el caso de Estado Unidos. Migraciones. 300 años: masonerías y masones, 1717-2017, Vol. 1, Yvan Pozuelos, Ricardo Martínez and Rogelio Aragón, Eds. Mexico City: Palabra de Clío: historiadores mexicanos, 2017.
- “La influencia de organizaciones no democráticas en la promoción de la democracia: el caso de las logias masónicas en México y Estados Unidos.” La masonería hispano-lusa y Americana: De los absolutismos a las democracias (1815- 2015). José Miguel Delgado Idarreta e Yván Pozuelos, editors. Zaragoza: Centro de estudios Históricos de la Masonería Española (CEHME), n. de Paginas, 261-271, 2017.
- “De masonería, salvamentos y otras lealtades fraternales: el rescate de Porfirio Díaz por un hermano masón,” REHMLAC: Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña. 7 (2): 181-201 (December 2015-April 2016)
- “A Mexican Virgin: The uses of Symbolism, Folklore and Ethnicity in the Creation of Mexican Identity.” Tla-melaua, Revista de Ciencias Sociales 35, Puebla: BUAP, 2014.
- “Colonial Confinement, Confession and Resistance in Ángeles del abismo by Enrique Serna,” In Colonial Itineraries of Contemporary Mexico, Oswaldo Estrada & Anna Nogar, eds. Phoenix: Arizona University Press, 2014. (co-author Josué Gutiérrez-González)
- “Deseo sexual, migración y pertenencia: Apropiación y mexicanización de espacios LGBT en Houston, Texas.” En Migrantes allá y acá. Mujeres y hombres en Estados Unidos y el noreste de México, Oscar Hernández y María Elena Ramos, eds., Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Miguel Ángel Porrúa, México, 2014.
- “Freemasonry and Civil Society: The Case of the United States/ Masonería y sociedad civil” El caso de los Estados Unidos.” Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña. (ISSN 1659-4223) Special Issue UCLA-Grand Lodge of California, pp. 193-214 & 191-212.
- Gender, Sexual, and Racial Trouble: The Crossroads of North American Freemasonry in the Twenty-First Century. Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña, 4 (2), 156-170.” (co-author Paul Rich)*
- “Curas, Dones y Sodomitas”: Sexual Moral Discourses and Illicit Sexualities among Priests in Colonial Mexico,” Anuario de Estudios Americanos, June 2010, pp. 53-76.*
- “El impacto de la masonería en el discurso secular y liberal de México”. En Secularización del Estado y la sociedad. Patricia Galeana, ed. Siglo XXI Editores-Senado de la República Mexicana, México, DF, 2010.*
- “Género, educación y socialización: Una propuesta de políticas públicas con perspectiva de género. RNP: Revista de Administración Pública Vol, XLIV, No. 3 (September-December, 2009), pp. 125-142.
- “The Cross and the Compass: The Influence of the Catholic Religion and Masonry in the Formation of the Mexican Political Thought”, Hispanic Religious Thought, Vol. III, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007, pp 8-24.*
- “A Brief History of Male (Homo) Sexuality in Colonial Spanish America.” Journal of Homosexuality Vol. 51 (3): 2006, pp. 249-266.*
- “Translating, Smuggling, and Recovering Books in Nineteenth Century Mexico: Thomas Smith Webb’s El Monitor de los Masones Libres: ó, Illustraciones sobre la Masonería.” In The Critical Importance of Region: Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project Vol. VI. Antonia Castañeda and Gabriel Meléndez, eds. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2006, pp. 143-158.*
- “Opus Dei and Mexico: Civil but Sinister.” Review of Policy Research, Volume 22, Number 1 (2005): 93-101* (co-author Paul Rich)
- “Upstaging the Masons: The Promise Keepers and Fraternal Orders.” Ed. Dane S. Claussen Jefferson The Promise Keepers: Essays on Masculinity and Christianity, NC: McFarland & Co., 2000, 29-41 (with Paul Rich)
- International Phi Beta Delta , Honorary Society for International Scholars (PBD)
- American Culture Association
- Policy Studies Organization
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- American Folklore Society
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Group of Early Modern Cultural Studie (GEMCS)
- Sigma Dellta Pi: The National Spanish Honor Society (SDP)
- The Conference of Latin American History (CLAH)