Financial Assistance

Elizabeth D. Rockwell Graduate Stipend
In an effort to support graduate students who are interested in studying ethics and leadership, the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Center on Ethics and Leadership in the Hobby School of Public Affairs offers stipends to selected incoming graduate students (beginning in the Fall of 2024). The stipends are in the amount of $4000/year, and will be provided to students in Master’s programs for two years, as long as they are in good academic standing. Students who are awarded these stipends will be designated “Elizabeth D. Rockwell Scholars,” expected to attend EDR Center events when possible, and encouraged to meet together each semester to share ideas and seek constructive feedback from one another as a cohort. The sole criterion for the award is the promise of doing excellent work related to ethics and leadership.
If awarded, this stipend will be added to the recruitment package that CCS offers to one of our prospective Anthropology MA students.
Applicants are encouraged to explicitly address in their Statement of Purpose (or a supplemental statement of no more than 2 pages) how their prospective thesis research projects will address the scholarship’s theme of ethics and leadership.