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Updating location codes/mailcodes for Position Numbers in PS

When faculty or staff transfer into a new department they need to have their location codes changed in PeopleSoft to direct their mail to their new location. Please follow the steps listed below to correct PeopleSoft location/mailcodes for each individual affected by the move.

1. Click here to look up addresses and mailcodes Campus Address/Mailcodes.

  • Look up the correct campus address and mailcode for the individuals in question.
  • If you have any questions concerning the address information, contact Sally Rowland-Ketley at X3-5824.

2. Go to the Electronic Forms (eForms) Home Page in PeopleSoft HRMS.

  • Create a new ePRF for each position# and select the new Location Code/mailcode from the drop down menu.
  • This ensures that the staff will receive mail at their new location and will be listed correctly in the online directory.
  • For any questions concerning the form, contact Krista McElroy, Human Resources, at X3-9980