Dr. Kaspar William, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished Professor
Cullen College of Engineering, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Areas of expertise
- Computational failure mechanics
- Constitutive modeling
- Interface modeling
- Localization analysis
- Damage mechanics of cohesive/frictional materials and ultrasonic detection
Clarence Eckel Faculty Prize for Excellence, CEAE Dept., University of Colorado Boulder, 2008.
Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE Class of 2004).
Nathan M. Newmark Medal Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, 2003.
Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, F. ASCE, 2001.
Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, F. ASME, 1999.
AvH Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, Bonn, Germany, 1998.
Distinguished Achievement Award, CEAE-Department, University of Colorado Boulder, 1996.
Fellow of the US-Association of Computational Mechanics, F. USACM, 1995.
- Willam, K., Blackard, B. & Citto, C.,(2010), "Failure Studies on Masonry In_ll Walls: Experimental and Computational Observations", Proc. Euroc 2010 on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, N. Bi_cani_c, R. de Borst, H. Mang, and G. Meschke (eds.), CRC Press, A Balkema Book, Taylor & Francis Group,London, UK, pp. 757-765.
- Blackard, B., Willam, K. & Mettupalayam, S.,(2009), "Experimental Observations of Masonry In_lled Reinforced Concrete Frames with Openings", American Concrete Institute, ACI-SP 265-9, Thomas T.C. Hsu Symposium on Shear and Torsion in Concrete Structures, (A. Belarbi, Y.-L. Mo and A.S. Ayoub, eds.), pp. 199-222.
- Willam, K., Lee, K., Xi, Y. & Lee, J., (2008), "Spalling of Concrete due to Combined Heating and Drying", Proc. CONCREEP8 Conf., Tanabe, T., Sakata, K., Mihashi, H., Sato, R., Maekawa, K., and Nakamura, H. eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 2, pp. 1013-1019.
- Willam, K.,(2008), "Alexander C. Scordelis: Legacy in Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete", IASS IACM 2008 Congress "Spanning from Nano to Mega", Cornell University, Ithaca, June 28-31, 2008, Audio-Visual CD Record. Lee, K., Xi, Y. & Willam, K., (2008), "Coupling E_ect between Temperature and Moisture on the Deformation of Concrete", Proc. CONCREEP8 Conf., Tanabe, T., Sakata, K., Mihashi, H., Sato, R., Maekawa, K., and Nakamura, H. eds., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 1, pp. 257-260.
- Lee, J., Xi, Y. and Willam, K., (2007), "Strength and Sti_ness of Concrete under Heating and Cooling Treatments", FramCoS-6 Conference, Catania Italy, Proc Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, A. Carpinteri, P. Gambarova, G. Ferro and G. Plizzari (eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 1709-1714.
- Blackard, B., Kim, B., Citto, C., Willam, K. and S. Mattupalayam, (2007), "Failure Issues of Brick Masonry", FramCoS-6 Conference, Catania Italy, Proc Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, A. Carpinteri, P. Gambarova, G. Ferro and G. Plizzari (eds.), Vol. 2, pp. 1587-1594.
- Willam, K., Lee, K., Lee, J. and Xi, Y., (2006), "Issues of Thermal Collapse Analysis of RCS", Structures Congress of ASCE, May 18-20, 2006, St. Louis MI, 10-page electronic paper, Conf. CD.
- 4-page electronic paper, Conf CD.Willam, K., Basche, H., Lee, K. and Xi, Y., (2006), "Assessment of RC Bond under Severe Temperatures", Proc.Euro-C 2006, March 27-30, 2006, Mayrhofen Tyrol Austria, Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, G. Meschke, R. de Borst, H. Mang, and N. Bi_cani_c (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 647-656.
- Willam, K., Lee, K. and Xi, Y., (2005), "Issues of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Extreme Temperature Events", Proc. 5th Intl Conf on Computation of Shell & Spatial Structures, E. Ramm, W.A. Wall, K.-U. Bletzinger and M. Bischo_ (eds.), Salzburg, IASS IACM 2005, Salzburg Austria, June 1-4, 2005, p. 239.
For more publications, see faculty website above, CV below or google scholar profile here.
- None available.
Grants and Funded Research
DOE-NEUP-IRP: Cask Mis-Loads Evaluation Techniques, Washington D.C., 2016-2020 (K. Willam PI, UIUC, USC, UMN, PNNL, ANATECH)
- DOE-NEUP: Multiple Degradation Mechanisms in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Modeling and Risk Analysis, Washington D.C., 2016-2019 (K. Willam PI,Y. Xi Co-PI, B. Gencturk Co-PI, B. Spencer Co-PI, H. Huang Co-PI)
- ORNL: Thermal Response of RCS in Nuclear Power Plants (K. Willam, PI, Y. Xi, Co-PI), 2008-09.
- NEESR-SG: Seismic Performance Assessment of Retrofit of Non-ductile RC Frames with Infill Walls (K. Willam, PI, S. Metupalayam, Co-PI), 2005-2009.
- NSF: High Temperature Effects on Concrete Materials: A Multiscale Approach, (K. Willam, PI, Y. Xi, Co-PI), 2004-2008.
- NSF-CMMI: Interface Mechanics of Masonry Panels under Biaxial Loading. Washington D.C., 2011-2015 (K. Willam PI, Ashraf Ayoub, Co-PI)
- NSF: Simulation Platform for the Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures, (K. Willam PI, X-Y. Cai, Co-PI, C. Farhat, Co-PI, B. Shing, Co-PI), 2000-2003.
- CASI: Ultrasonic Damage Simulation in Engineering Materials, CSU-Fort Collins, 1998-2000 (K. Willam PI).
- NSF: Accelerated Testing and Modeling of Concrete Durability, Washington D.C., 1998-2001 (Y. Xi PI, K. Willam Co-PI, and D. Frangopol, Co-PI).
- AFOSR: Dynamic Performance Evaluation of Conventional and Non-Conventional Concrete, Bolling AFB, 1997-1998 (K. Willam PI, L. Bond Co-PI, and Y. Xi Co-PI).
More research information in ResearchGate profile here.
Curriculum Vitae
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