Dr. Keh-Han Wang, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director, Graduate Program
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics , Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Areas of expertise
- Nearshore & Offshore wave mechanics and wave-structure interaction
- 3-D hydrodynamic and pollutant transport modeling in lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas
- Overland and flood flow modeling
- Hurricane induced storm surge modeling
- Urban stormwater runoff, low impact development and associated drainage analysis
- Teaching Excellence Award (University wide award) 2008-2009
W.T. Kittinger Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Engineering, 2001-2002. (College's highest teaching award)
- Honored by Halliburton Foundation, Inc. in 1996 - In recognition of outstanding achievement and professionalism in education, research, and service to students.
Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Engineering, 1995-96.
Professor of the Year, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1995.
Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Engineering, 1992-93.
John B. Hawley Award: In Recognition of Technical Paper of Outstanding Merit; American Society of Civil Engineers, Texas Section, 1991. Paper title: "Numerical Modeling of the Flow Field at the Confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou in Houston, Texas".
Best Session Paper: American Society of Civil Engineers, Texas Section, Fall 1991 Meeting. Paper title: "Numerical Modeling of the Flow Field at the Confluence of Buffalo Bayou and White Oak Bayou in Houston, Texas".
Best Session Paper: American Society of Civil Engineers, Texas Section, Fall 1992 Meeting. Paper title: " Study of the Circulatory Change and Alteration of Salinity in Galveston Bay by Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Modeling"
More awards on faculty website and CV below.
- Hu, Haming and Wang, K.H. "2D Mathematical Modeling of Noncohesive Suspended Sediment Transport using Hybrid Finite-Analytic Method", Journal of Hydraulic Research (under review).
- Chu, T., Wang, K.H., Yang, M.-D., Chen, M.-C., and Syu,R.-H. (2017) “Development and Testing of Geostatistically Based Algorithms for Spatial Adjustment of Radar Rainfall Values at the Chenyulan River Watershed in Taiwan” (in preparation)
- Chang, C.H. and Wang, K.H. (2017) “Numerical Analysis of Wave Propagation and Vortex Generation in Time-Dependent Viscous Fluid Flow over a Bottom Cavity” (in preparation)
- Qiao, W., Wang, K.H., and Sun, Y. (2017) “Scattering of Water Waves by a Floating Body with Two Vertically Attached Porous Walls”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics. (Submitted for review)
- Chen,Y.-H. and Wang, K.H. (2017) “Transient Curvilinear-Coordinate Based Fully Nonlinear Model for Wave Propagation and Interactions with Curved Boundaries”, J. of Hydrodynamics. (In review)
- Chang, C.H., Lin, Chang, Wang, K.H., and Jaf, J.M. (2016) “Numerical Simulations and Experimental Visualizations of the Vortex Characteristics for a Solitary wave interacting with a bottom-mounted vertical plate”, Journal of Hydro-environment Research. (Accepted for publication)
- Chang, C.H., Wang, K.H., and Hsieh, P.C. (2016) “Fully Nonlinear Model for Simulating Solitary Waves Propagating through a Partially Immersed Rectangular Structure”, Journal of Coastal Research. DOI:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00061.1
- Lu, Xing and Wang, Keh-Han. (2015) “Modeling a Solitary Wave Interaction with a Fixed Floating Body Using an Integrated Analytical–Numerical Approach”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 109, pp. 691- 704.
- Chu, T., Chang, C.H., and Wang, K.H. (2015) “Evolution of Induced Vortices and Transport of Fluid Particles under the Action of A Solitary Wave Passing Over a Trench”, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 57(2), pp. 1550007-1 to 1550007-15.
- Chang, C.H. and Wang, K.H. (2015) “Numerical Study on Three-dimensional Waves Produced by a Bottom Jet”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 50, pp. 141-154.
For more publications, see faculty website above, or CV below.
- None available.
Grants and Funded Research
Has raised over $2 million in research funds as a PI (Total > $2.2 million: NSF-$1,531,137; NASA-$69,301; Local Government Agency: $275,900; Local Institutes: $354,057), and over $6 million in research funds as a CO-PI during the past 10 years (2007-2016) (NSF-$6,035,221; Shell Inc. $62,802). The total NSF fund that I received at UH (2012 Fall---2017 Fall) as a PI is over $1.1 million ($1,122,015).
- “Oil Spill Cleanup: Adsorbent Regeneration and Transport”, Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering, 9/1/2016-4/30/2018, $35,000 (PI, 50%).
- “Wake Wash in Sabine-Neches Waterway: Phase I”, Sabine-Neches Navigation District through Lamar University, 2/4/2016-2/3/2017, $17,000 (PI, 100%).
- “Graduate Education in Civil Infrastructure Engineering.” Department of Education, 9/01/2012- 5/31/2017, $399,798 (Co-PI, 14%)
- “Assessment of the Effects of Regional Channel Stability and Sediment Transport on Roadway 22 Hydraulics Structures.” Texas Department of Transportation. 9/01/2011–8/31/2013, $39,728 (CoPI, 50%)
- “Evaluation of the uncertainty in flood control related flow modeling”, Harris County Flood Control District, 11/1/2010-12/31/2012, $100,000 (PI, 100%)
- “Empirical Flow Parameters – A Tool for Hydraulic Model Validity Assessment”, Texas Department of Transportation, 9/1/2010-8/31/2013, $86,136 (50%)
- “Research Experience for Undergraduates in Civil Infrastructure Engineering”, National Science Foundation, 3/1/2007 - 8/31/2010, $257,547 (50%)
- “Doctoral Training in Infrastructure Engineering”, Department of Education, 8/15/2004-8/14/2009, $498,132 (50%)
- “Guidance for Design in Areas of Extreme Bed Mobility”, Texas Department of Transportation, 9/1/2003 - 8/31/2008, $297,891 (50%)
- “Screen Head Loss Testing”, Headworks, Inc., 8/1/2004 - 8/1/2005, $8040 (100%)
More research information in CV below or faculty website above.
Curriculum Vitae
Contact information