Dr. Christine Ehlig Economides, Professor
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering
Areas of expertise
- Petroleum production systems.
- Reservoir engineering.
- Shale reservoirs.
- Professor and Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen Distinguished University Chair
Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Recipient of SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal
Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
Lester C. Uren Award
Innovative Teaching Award
Formation Evaluation Award
Co-author of Petroleum Production Systems
Member of the Board on Energy and Environmental Systems (BEES)
QRI Scholar
Chief Scientist for the Sinopec Research Institute on Petroleum Engineering
One of the Thousand Talents in China.
Lee, Kyung Jae & Moridis, George & A Ehlig-Economides, Christine. (2017). Numerical simulation of diverse thermal in situ upgrading processes for the hydrocarbon production from kerogen in oil shale reservoirs. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 35. 014459871668935. 10.1177/0144598716689354.
Ehlig-Economides, Christine & Liu, Guoqing. (2017). Comparison among Fracture Calibration Test Analysis Models. . 10.2118/184866-MS.
- Liu, Guoqing, and Christine Ehlig-Economides. (2017)Comprehensive Before-Closure Model and Analysis for Fracture Calibration Injection Falloff Test, the paper is now under review by SPEJ, and available upon request.
- Du, J., Pang, W., Lei, J., Zhang, T., & Ehlig-Economides, C. A. (2017, March 6). Pressure Transient Analysis of Shale Gas Wells With Non-Uniform Fractures. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/183724-MS
Liu, G & Ehlig-Economides, C. (2017). New Model for DFIT Fracture Injection and Falloff Pressure Match. . 10.2118/187191-MS.
Lee, Kyung Jae & Moridis, George & A Ehlig-Economides, Christine. (2016). Compositional simulation of hydrocarbon recovery from oil shale reservoirs with diverse initial saturations of fluid phases by various thermal processes. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 35. . 10.1177/0144598716684307.
Liu, Guoqing & Ehlig-Economides, Christine. (2016). Interpretation Methodology for Fracture Calibration Test Before-Closure Analysis of Normal and Abnormal Leakoff Mechanisms. . 10.2118/179176-MS.Lee, Kyung Jae & Moridis, George & A. Ehlig-Economides, Christine. (2016). A Comprehensive Simulation Model of Kerogen Pyrolysis for the In-situ Upgrading of Oil Shales. SPE Journal. 21. 1612-1630. 10.2118/173299-PA.
Lee, Kyung Jae & Moridis, George & A. Ehlig-Economides, Christine. (2016). In situ upgrading of oil shale by Steamfrac in multistage transverse fractured horizontal well system. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 38. 3034-3041. 10.1080/15567036.2015.1135209.
- Merry, H., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Wei, P., (2015, September) Model for a Shale Gas Formation with Salt-Sealed Natural Fractures. SPE-175061, prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, USA, 28– 30 September 2015.
- Sorek, N., Moreno, J. A., Rice, R., Luo, G., & Ehlig-Economides, C. (2014, October 27). Optimal Hydraulic Fracture Angle in Productivity Maximized Shale Well Design. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/170965-MS.
- For more publications, visit:https://www.researchgate.net/search/publications?q=ehlig%2Beconomides
- Ehlig-Economides, Christine. Method for Individually Characterizing the Layers of a Hydrocarbon Subsurface Reservoir. Schlumberger Technology Corporation, assignee. Patent 5247829. 28 Sept. 1993. Print.
- Ehlig-Economides, Christine. Process for Measuring Flow and Determining the Parameters of Multilayer Hydrocarbon Producing Formations. Schlumberger Technology Corporation, assignee. Patent 4803873. 14 Feb. 1989. Print.
Grants and Funded Research
- National Science Foundation grant totaling $320,000 for the Live Energy project. The project seeked to develop a continuously updated online textbook on energy sustainability to support core science and engineering courses for both majors and non majors. 2014.
Curriculum Vitae
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