teachHOUSTON is grateful for the support it has received from individuals and corporations like you. Your donation will help us provide scholarship and internship support for teachHOUSTON students as well as operational and programming support as we expand.
Donate to the teachHOUSTON Challenge Fund
Corporate, Foundation and Individual Support to teachHOUSTON
Kitty King Powell
National Math and Science Initiative
Williams Foundation
$100,000 – $999,999
Brown Foundation
Fondren Foundation
Greater Texas Foundation
M.D. Anderson Foundation
Sid W. Richardson Foundation
$10,000 – $99,999
El Paso Corporation
The Powell Foundation
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Wells Fargo
$1,000 – $9,999
John Bear
Philip J. Carroll
John T. Cater
Maria Gonzales-teachHOUSTON alumnus
Charles W. Hall
Gerald W. McElvy
Jeff Morgan
Vince Neuman
Harry J. Phillips, Jr.
John Sawyer
Schlumberger Ltd.
Edward Shannon
John Stanton
Rhonda Thompson
David M. Underwood Jr.
Susan E. Williams
Robert Wimpelberg