Thermal and Porosity Analysis Facility
The purpose of Thermal and Porosity Analysis Facility (TAPAF) is to support and provide research equipment for University of Houston
This facility was developed and is managed by personnel from Chemistry and the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH). The facility operates as a recharge center and, as a user and/or recipient of the services provided by the facility and its staff
Management. The facility is jointly managed by its Director (Jacobson), Associate Director (Meen), and Technical Coordinator (Makarenko).
Relationship with Industry and Other Institutions. The equipment will be available to users from industry either on the basis of a cooperative research agreement or through purchase orders. Separate rates will be established for outside non-academic users; outside academic users will pay standard internal rates plus overhead.
TAPAF core facility is located in SR-1 Building, rooms 26, 30, and 32.
User Access.
Users gain access to the facility and its instrumentation by contacting Dr. Makarenko. Depending on the specific problem, they will either leave samples with her or be trained to a varying degree in sample preparation and analysis. Some of the purchased equipment is quite sensitive to miniscule changes in operating conditions, and we do not anticipate that general users will use the equipment themselves. Access to the facility is available during regular business hours, five days per week.