Benefits Calendar - University of Houston
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Benefits Calendar

Start Time
8:00 am5:00 pm
TIAA: On-campus Consultation with Mohammad Damra

It’s never too soon to start thinking about Retirement. Schedule an individual on-campus TIAA consultation with Mohammad Damra! Explore supplemental retirement plans that can put you in a position for a brighter future.

Onsite individual appointments occur the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Human Resource Center, Bldg. 525; HR OPS, Room138.

10:00 am10:45 am
BCBSTX HealthSelect: Journey to Wellness Benefits Overview

As a HealthSelectSM participant, you have access to a variety of health and wellness resources. Attend this session to learn about Well onTarget® wellness portal, Health Assessment, self-management programs, personalized coaching, trackers and apps, Blue PointsSM, Fitness Program, weight management programs.and more.