BOUNCE Summer Wellness
The award-winning BOUNCE Summer Wellness program promotes healthy eating, regular physical activity and positive body image among low-income African American and Hispanic boys and girls struggling with obesity. The program lasts for four weeks (Monday through Friday). Each day the participants take part in three physical activity sessions, one nutrition education session and one counseling session. Parents, siblings and other relatives participate in a two-hour weekly session designed to help them support the children’s nutrition, exercise regimen and self-esteem.
To apply, follow the steps below:
- Complete registration form by June 22nd.
- Ask your child's doctor to complete the physical examination form.
- Request your child's vaccination records from their doctor.
- Submit all forms to the BOUNCE team before the start of the program.
Para aplicar, siga los pasos a continuación:
- Complete el formulario de inscripción antes del 22º de junio.
- Pídale al médico de su hijo/a que complete el formulario de examen físico.
- Solicite los registros de vacunación de su hijo/a a su médico.
- Envíe todos los formularios al equipo de BOUNCE antes del inicio del programa.
If you are interested in mailing or emailing the registration form instead, please download the PDF document below (either English or Spanish version), fill and send to:
Si está interesado en enviar los formularios por correo o correo electrónico, por favor descargue el documento PDF que se encuentra a continuación (en inglés o en español), llénelo y envíelo a:
BOUNCE Summer Program c/o
UH, Dept. of Psychological, Health and Learning Sciences
University of Houston, 3657 Cullen Blvd., Rm. 491
Houston, TX 77204-5029
OR email to:
O por correo electrónico:
Registration Form English PDF > Formulario de Inscripción en PDF >
Accepting applications until June 22, 2019
For more information, view our frequently asked questions.