Paul T. Cirino, Ph.D.
Director of Developmental Neuropsychology Lab
Clinical Psychology
Texas Center for Learning Disabilities
Texas Institute for Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics
Ph.D., University of Houston
Health 1, Room 480
Paul Cirino CV
Dr. Cirino will be reviewing graduate student applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. Application deadline is Dec 1, 2024. Please see Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data for details.
Research Interests
- Developmental Neuropsychology
- Math and Reading Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
- Attention, Working Memory, and Executive Functions
- Measurement and Metholodology
- PSYC 7338: Cognitive Disorders and Lifespan Neuropsychology: II (graduate)
- PSYC 6356: Clinical Assessment I (graduate)
- PSYC 6357: Clinical Assessment II (graduate)
- PSYC 3301: Introduction to Psychological Statistics (undergraduate)
- PSYC 1300: Introduction to Psychology (undergraduate)
Selected Publications (past 3 years)
*DNL Student Lab Member
- Cirino, P.T., *Farrell, A.E., Barnes, M.A., & Roberts, G.J. (in press, 2023). An evaluation of the structure of attention in adolescence. Developmental Neuropsychology.
- Cirino, P.T. (in press, 2023). Framing executive function as a construct, and its relation to academic achievement. Mind, Brain, and Education.
- *Gioia, A., Cirino, P.T., Ahmed, Y., & Woods, S.P. (2023). Properties of a combined measure of reading and writing: The Assessment of Writing, Self-Monitoring, and Reading (AWSM Reader). Reading and Writing, 36(3), 723-744.
- Cirino, P.T. (2022). Math Disabilities. In M. Beauchamp, R. Peterson, D. Ris, G. Taylor, & K. Yeates (Eds.), Pediatric Neuropsychology, 3rd Edition (Chapter 13). Guilford Press: New York (pp. 279-299).
- *Macdonald, K.T., Francis, D.J., Hernandez, A.E., Castilla-Earls, A., & Cirino, P.T. (2022). Characterization of proficiency levels and balance among middle school English learners with reading difficulties. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 25(5), 899-912
- Cirino, P.T., Tolar, T.D., & Fuchs, L.S. (2022). Domain general and specific contributions to algebra: A sequenced longitudinal path model. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 68, 102026.
- Cirino, P.T., Barnes, M.A., Roberts, G., Miciak, J., & *Gioia, A. (2022). Visual attention and reading: A test of their relation across paradigms. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 214, 105289.
- Ahmed, Y., Kent, S., Cirino, P.T., & Keller-Margulis, M. (2022). The not-so-simple view of writing in struggling readers/writers. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 38(3), 272-296.
- *Babicz, M.A., Woods, S. P., Cirino, P.T., Presley, C., Colton, Z., & Podell, K. (2022). Vestibular/ocular motor screening is independently associated with concussion symptom severity in youths. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 32(1), 40-45.
- *Halverson, K.K., Derrick, J.L., Medina, L.D., & Cirino, P.T. (2021). Executive functioning in struggling readers: The NIH EXAMINER. Developmental Neuropsychology, 46(3), 213-231.
- *Macdonald, K.T., Cirino, P.T., Miciak, J., & Grills, A. (2021). The role of reading anxiety among struggling readers in fourth and fifth grade. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 37(4), 382-394.
- *Gerst, E.H., Cirino, P.T., Miciak, J., *Macdonald, K., Yoshida, H., Gibbs, M.C., & Woods, S.P. (2021). The structure of processing speed in children and its impact on reading. Journal of Cognition and Development, 22(1), 84-107.
- *Fischer, J.T., Cirino, P.T., DeMaster, D., Alfano, C., Bick, J., Fan, W., & Ewing-Cobbs, L. (2021). Frontostriatal white matter integrity relations with ‘cool’ and ‘hot’ self-regulation following pediatric traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 38(1), 122-132.
- Medina, L.D., *Torres, S., *Gioia, A., *Lopez, A.O., Wang, J., & Cirino, P.T. (2021). Reporting of demographic variables in neuropsychological research: An update of O’Bryant et al.’s 2004 trends in the current literature. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 27(5), 497-507.
- *Macdonald, K.T., Barnes, M.A., Miciak, J., Roberts, G., *Halverson, K.K., Vaughn, S., & Cirino, P.T. (2021). Sustained attention and behavioral ratings of attention in struggling readers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 25(5), 436-451.