
Due to technical difficulties, some of the video links in this website no longer work. We are uncertain as to when or if we will be able to correct these problems. However, the video clips constitute only a small portion of the material in this website. Moreover, the full transcripts of the oral histories from which the video clips were drawn can be found by following the "Resources" link below.

To Bear Fruit For Our Race College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences


In creating “ To Bear Fruit for Our Race,” the UH Center for Public History utilized a variety of resources and materials. In addition to the many documents and published materials examined, the UH Center for Public History collected “Oral History” interviews, which have enabled the writing of short “Biographies” as well as detailed descriptions of medical terminology and important events. These myriad resources constitute the bibliography for this website. The bibliography is encapsulated under “Further Readings” a comprehensive list that will assist students and other scholars in their own research.



Center for Public History | Office: 524 Agnes Arnold Hall | (713) 743-3120