Testing Services - University of Houston
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Testing Services

University of Houston Testing Services is committed to your success. Our office will serve students both in-person and remotely. Testing Services provides a wide range of academic testing and evaluation services to UH students and the community. We strive to make each testing experience as successful as possible. Tests are administered by, including but not limited to Placement Exams, the DSST Program (formerly the DANTES Program), and the TSI Assessment (TSIA2). Testing Services is equipped for computerized and paper-and-pencil tests.

Placement Testing

Placement tests are administered to assess level of mastery and assist in placement in appropriate UH courses. If specifically noted, some placement tests may allow earned credit. See the Examination List page for a complete list.

Credit By Examination

Credit by Examination options enable students to receive credit for prior learning and advanced course enrollment. For the complete list of courses for test credit and minimum score requirements visit the UH Credit by Examination page.

The UH Credit by Examination program allows students to earn UH credit through performance on an approved exam.

Approved courses, tests, minimum score requirements, credit hours awarded, course designation, and cost for test course credit will be published in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Departmental examinations for credit are offered on scheduled test dates during Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Log in to register.

For questions about the Credit by Examination process and testing options email casaets@cougarnet.uh.edu.

Examination List

High School



Major Field Tests

TSI - Texas Success Initiative Assessment

  • ASL (American Sign Language)
  • Math Placement

For questions about the Credit by Examination process and testing options email ets@uh.edu .

Policy and Procedures

  • Present current, valid photo identification (valid state driver’s license, student ID or passport) for all exams. Check for any additional identification requirements of the testing company prior to registering for a test.
  • Plan to pay fees by cash, check, or credit card.
  • Leave unauthorized items at home. These items should not be brought into the testing area:
    • Cell or smartphones
    • Wireless communication devices (PDAs, tablet PCs, iPods, iPads)
    • Listening devices (mp3 players, radios, headphones, recorders)
    • Cameras or recording devices
    • Calculators*
    • Digital watches, watches with calculator functions, and watches with an audible alarm.
    • Food, beverages, gum, candy, and tobacco products
    • Weapons
    • Notes, books, dictionaries, or any type of study materials*
    • Hats or hoods (unless worn for religious purposes)
    • Backpacks, bags or purses
    • Paper of any kind*
    • Rulers
    • * These materials may be allowed with explicit instructor or testing company authorization.
  • Store personal belongings in the secured lockers. Lockers have limited space, so plan accordingly when bringing items into Testing Services.
  • Dress comfortably in layers for variations in room temperature. Although jackets or coats are not permitted in the testing room, you may wear sweaters or light-weight outerwear. Do not wear hoodies, hats, or sunglasses into the testing room.
  • Proctors will monitor examinees while in the testing room, including video monitoring; any appearance of cheating will be investigated, and an irregularity report filed.
  • Be considerate of other test-takers by being as quiet as possible when entering and leaving the testing room. Talking is not permitted in the testing area.
  • Remain seated once the exam has started. Leaving the testing room for any reason for the duration of the exam is not permitted. Raise your hand if you need any assistance.
    • Bathroom breaks are not allowed unless proctors have been informed in advance by the instructor or testing company.
    • Should an emergency occur in which you must leave the exam, you will be accompanied by a proctor if you wish to return to the exam. Otherwise, your computer will be reset.
  • Allow enough time to complete your exam. If you do not complete by closing time, your exam will be picked up and considered completed. All exams will be collected at the scheduled closing time. No exceptions will be made.
  • Return all provided materials upon completion of the exam, including scratch paper used. No testing materials will leave the testing center
  • Arrange testing accommodations, if needed, in advance of scheduled test through the Justin Dart, Jr. Student Accessibility Center.You must present your accommodations letter prior to starting your test.
    • Upon faculty recommendation, departmental, college, and Undergraduate Council approval, courses approved, tests utilized, minimum score requirements, credit hours awarded, course designation, and cost for test course credit will be published in the Undergraduate Catalog.
    • Testing Services will verify official test scores to determine level of test course credit to be awarded.
    • Testing Services will submit test credits that meet approved Undergraduate Catalog policies to the Registrar’s Office for posting to student records.
    • Any exception above will require documentation by an approved general petition.

Schedule an Exam

Ready to Schedule an Exam?

Login to Testing

General Test Schedule

For special circumstances, contact pdaniel@uh.edu


Permission to Share TSI Test Scores

Please view your score report at the link below and you can share your score with University of Houston. UH will access your TSI test scores and upload to your student records. Please allow 48-72 hours for the system to update your TSI status.

Student Accommodations Request Form

The Student Accommodations Request form is for students with documentation for approved testing accommodations.
All required documentation for accommodation requests must be submitted by email to ets@uh.edu and should be submitted five business days before the scheduled exam date.

TSI Remote Test Request Form

The TSI Remote Test Request form is for undergraduate students ready to take the TSI Assessment.

Before submitting the remote test request form, Complete the TSI Pre-Assessment.

  • Create an account at the Accuplacer site, you will receive a welcome email from Accuplacer.
  • Follow the instructions in the email to access the TSIA2 Pre-Assessment.
  • Select the University of Houston and agree to share information with the institution.
  • Upon completion of the TSI Pre-assessment, you will receive a completion certificate.
  • Email the TSI PAA completion certificate to ets@uh.edu.

The pre-assessment and the remote test request form must be completed before students receive a testing voucher with instructions about how to proceed with scheduling and completing the TSI assessment.
For a complete overview of registration, test fees, and test content, click


Proctoring Services - Student

Correspondence/Distance Education Testing

The University Testing Service serves as a proctoring site for numerous universities and institutions nationally and internationally. The tests may be in the traditional paper and pencil or delivered online.
If you want your exams from other universities/colleges proctored at the University of Houston, please email ets@uh.edu your request.

Distance Assessment (UH Students)

Proctoring services are for students currently enrolled in an online course at the University of Houston. A proctored exam is an exam which is administered under the supervision of an instructor or other approved testing monitor. We created our proctoring service to help students who are unable to complete an exam at the University of Houston campus. Our staff is here to help you and can walk you through any part of the proctoring process. We encourage students to contact our office with questions or concerns on how to set up a proctoring request. An overview of the proctoring process can be found below in How it Works.
Verify proctoring with your instructor

The first and most important step is to verify proctoring with your instructor to ensure that you have permission to use proctoring services for your exams. Not all courses allow or require proctoring.

Find a Proctor

You are expected to find and select a proctor on your own. We recommend students select a proctor who works at a university, community college, testing center, or a public library. If you need assistance finding a location, visit the National College Testing Association page to search for a location. Please keep in mind some proctoring sites may charge a fee for which you will be responsible. Once you have selected a proctor, contact them to ensure availability during the needed exam period.

Submit a proctor request

After finding a proctor that works for you and meets our guidelines, complete our online request form. A request form should be submitted for each course that requires proctoring. Be sure to submit your request form at least one week prior to your exam for proctoring in domestic locations, otherwise we cannot guarantee it will be processed in time for your exam. For proctoring in international locations, submit your request at least two weeks prior to the exam. Additional approvals are required for international locations. Third party proctors (like Proctor U, ProctorFree) are not allowed.

Review your proctoring approval email

After we have reviewed and approved your request we will notify you via email. This normally takes about two business days. It is important to review the approval message you receive because it will contain a review of what you need to do to prepare for each exam. If your request is denied, you will need to find a new proctor and submit a new request.

Schedule exams with your proctor

After approval, you schedule exam times with your proctor. Exams can be completed at any time during the exam dates provided by your instructor for that specific test. It is recommended you schedule your exam with the proctor at least two days prior to each exam to secure an appointment.

After the exam

Once you have completed your exam we will take care of the rest. Our office returns your exam to the instructor within two business days after the close of the exam and notifies you via email. Remember to keep in touch throughout the semester to let us know if you need any assistance.
Proctoring Request Form >

Any exceptions that fall outside of the testing parameters listed in your course syllabus (i.e., taking an exam before or after the scheduled date) will first need to be discussed between you and your instructor. Once a request has been approved, forward the instructor's permission email to our office and we will make the necessary accommodations for you to complete an exam.

To maintain the integrity of proctor exams, proctors must meet several requirements:

  • Relatives and friends are not suitable proctors.
  • Proctors must be able to continuously monitor the student during the exam.
  • Proctors cannot have conflict of interest or have any vested interest in the student's grade or performance on the exam.
  • Proctors must have adequate and reliable access to the Internet, including email services.
  • All proctor documentation, including emails and website references, must be written in English.
  • Examinations will only be sent to the proctor's approved business email. If your proctor's business email is a Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail or other similar free email address, you will need to provide documentation that this is the proctor's business email address.

All exams are to be proctored in locations deemed acceptable by either the Testing Services office or the instructor. Locations include a University, Community College, testing center, or public library. Proctored exams are not conducted in residential settings. Additional vetting may be required for unfamiliar or international locations.

If you wish to cancel a proctoring request simply notify our office via email ( proctoring@uh.edu) or phone (713-743-5434). Students are not penalized for canceling a request. If you fail to appear for a scheduled exam without notifying our office, you will receive a written warning. If a second exam is missed without notifying our office, your proctoring request will be automatically canceled and we will notify your instructor. A new request form can be submitted for future exams.

If you plan to complete an exam outside of the United States, instructor approval of the proctor is required first. To expedite the process, students using international proctors should only select proctors who work at either a university, community college, testing center or a public library.

If you are enrolled in an online math course, additional approval from your course instructor will be required before your request is processed. Students should still contact their instructor for approval prior to submitting the proctoring request form. Our office will also seek written approval from the instructor for each online math student who submits a request.

Per the College of Nursing's student testing policies, all proctoring requests must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the exam date. Nursing students are required to select a proctor who works at a university, community college, testing center, or a public library. Students will need to find a proctoring facility willing to accommodate the student taking the exam on their personal computer. Our office will also notify the appropriate nursing faculty member of each student who submits a request for their course.

Proctoring Request Form

Students who need proctoring must submit the Proctoring Request Form.


Classroom and Business Building
CBB - Building 499

4242 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Houston, TX 77204
Room 236- classroom and business bldg. (CBB) building 499,
Phone: (713) 743-5444

Park in the Welcome Center or Hilton Hotel parking garage. There is a parking fee (see links below).

  1. Directions to the UH Welcome Center,
    4434 University Dr., Building #553 and Hilton Hotel 4450 University Dr., Building 590.
    For GPS use address:
    4300 Martin Luther King Blvd., Houston, Texas 77204.
  2. Parking Rates: Visitor Parking Rates - University of Houston (uh.edu)
  3. The Hilton Hotel is across from the Welcome Center and Student Center South. Use the walkway between the backside of MD Anderson Library and the Student Center South to arrive at the Classroom and Business Building (CBB), Building #499.

Remote Proctoring Services - Instructor


Testing services works with instructors to provide students with the means to complete University of Houston exams off-campus. We work as the medium between you, your students and their proctors to ensure they are scheduling exams at reputable testing facilities and are completing exams by the deadlines listed in your syllabus.


Preparing your course

Determine if proctoring is needed for your course exams. If so, we require you to include the proctoring statement provided below in your syllabus so students are aware of our service at the beginning of the term.

Discuss proctoring with your students

It is vital you discuss proctoring services with your students. We are counting on you to let your students know that proctoring services are an option for them. This is also a great time to let students know of any limitations you are applying to proctoring services (i.e., exams cannot be taken early or late).

Exam dates and deadlines

Our office will, by default, use the exam dates listed in your syllabus when determining exam open and close dates. If we are not able to find your exam dates listed in the syllabus we will email you to request your exam periods. We need to know exam dates at least a week prior to the exam.

Send exams and instructions to us

To ensure the integrity of your exams and the proctoring services we ask that you provide a PDF version of your exam and instructions to our office via email at proctoring@uh.edu. When sending your instructions, please be sure to remove instructions which only apply to on-campus students. Exams need to be sent one week prior to the start of your exam. Any adjustments to this timeline need to be discussed with our office.

Review completed exams

Proctors are required to return completed exams within two days to our office. We then return all the exams for your course to you at once. Please keep this turn-around time in mind when scheduling your exams. Upon receipt of completed exams, please review them and let our office know if you have any concerns.

Keep in touch

Remember to keep in touch throughout the semester and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


We require instructors to include the follow statement on their syllabus:

  • Exams for this course require proctoring
  • Prior to requesting proctoring services, students should read and understand the outlined proctoring procedures.
  • Students can request proctoring services by completing the Proctoring Request Form on the website.

Students with questions or concerns can contact ETS at 713-743-5434 or email ets@uh.edu. Testing Services hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. CST


To maintain the integrity of proctored exams, proctors must meet several requirements:

  • Relatives and friends are not suitable proctors.
  • Proctors must be able to continuously monitor the student during the exam.
  • Proctors cannot have conflict of interest or have any vested interest in the student's grade or performance on the exam.
  • Proctors must have adequate and reliable access to the Internet, including email services.
  • All proctor documentation, including emails and website references, must be written in English.
  • Examinations will only be sent to the proctor's approved business email. If your proctor's business email is a Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail or other similar free email address, you will need to provide documentation that this is the proctor's business email address.

All exams are to be proctored in locations deemed acceptable by either the Online & Special Programs office or the instructor. Locations include a University, Community College, testing center, or public library. Proctored exams are not conducted in residential settings. Additional vetting may be required for unfamiliar or international locations.

This is the Best Practices information we provide to students. If a student submits a request following these guidelines, we usually approve the request. Any exceptions are directed to the instructor for approval.


Our office reviews and approves most student proctoring requests. However, there are specific situations in which instructor approval is required prior to the exam being set up. Our office will redirect students to the instructor to seek approval via email prior to accepting the proctor request. We will not release an exam without proof of approval. These include:

  1. Students who request proctoring at an international location must seek instructor approval first.
  2. Students who request to take their exam outside of the scheduled exam dates (i.e., early or late).

UH Faculty/Course Make-Exam Proctoring Request Form

Faculty Use Only

The Faculty/Course Exam Proctoring form is to be submitted by faculty to request make-up examinations for students.