Employee Services - University of Houston
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Human Resources
Human Resources is committed to providing excellence as a strategic partner through aligning people, processes and business goals within a customer-centered environment.

Equal Opportunity Services
The Office of Equal Opportunity Services acts on behalf of the University as a neutral fact finder that enforces the University's Equal Opportunity Policies.

Parking & Transportation
Parking and Transportation Services operates the Cougar Line shuttle service, a free service for the UH campus, the Visitor Information Booths, a customer service counter in the Welcome Center Garage, all UH

The goal of Payroll/HRMS and the process owners to utilize the system in the most efficient manner.

Facilities/Construction Management
Provide responsible and quality stewardship for the long term preservation and growth of the university's physical assets through the unified delivery of planned work, while remaining cost effective and competitive.

FIX-IT Customer Service Center
The FIX-IT Customer Service Center handles service requests requiring immediate attention to maintain safety or preserve work productivity or facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Public Safety
The driving force behind the UHDPS is maintaining a safe environment for all individuals who have a legitimate purpose for being on campus. Public safety includes campus police, parking enforcement, fire marshal’s office, security services and environmental health and safety.

Employee Training
The Division of Administration and Finance handles employee training for Finance, Human Resources, Payroll/HRMS, and System-Wide Mandatory Training.