Detailed cost model for the UC Transformation Project - University of Houston
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Detailed cost model for the UC Transformation Project

This section includes the cost model for the original scope of the University Center Transformation Project. In addition to the archived Detailed Cost Model PDF, we have provided below some explanation of terminology contained within the budget.

Site Improvements and Demolition
The cost covers the replacement for the area(s) surrounding the project which will be disturbed as a result of construction activities or staging of building materials including but not limited to the new exterior amenities. In other words, the UC will be a good neighbor to the College of Business and the UH Library facilities.

Building Construction in 2008 Dollars
The project construction cost if the UC Transformation Project were to be bid in the calendar year indicated (2008). The main construction cost for the areas that would be physically moved within the UC [$234.75/sq ft. for 84,962 (Item A) and $169.75/sq. ft. for 24,885 (Item B)] are very consistent with other University Center/Student Union projects in the State of Texas. You can find comparable information at:

Site Work
The is the cost for the development and improvement of the area(s) surrounding the University Center as a result of construction activities or staging of building materials including but not limited to the new exterior amenities.

General Conditions, Overhead, and Profit
This includes the contractors' bid, performance and material bonds, insurance, staff operating costs, and the construction profit anticipated for the project. The 13.2% in the UC Transformation Project is fairly consistent with other like projects.

Cost escalation is defined as changes in the cost or price of specific goods or services in a given economy over a period of time. Think of this as inflation in the industry. In our project, these budget numbers (15% in 2009, 12% in 2010, and 12% in 2011) came from UH Plant Operation leadership.

Phasing Premium
The cost attributed to a project if after hours or special work is necessary as either a precautionary measure or an owner request as a result of increased labor and/or materials used when performing work.

The cost is attributed to a renovation (or in the case of the UC, a Transformation) project for temporary protection or systems which allow the construction work to be separated from owner-controlled areas of a project.

Program and Architecture Contingency
Project Estimates are developed based on project parameters and major cost elements that become more defined over time. At the onset of a project where all parameters are not fully defined, a percentage of construction costs is established to be used for additional unanticipated project parameters.

Building and Owner Contingency
Construction contingency is a set percentage of the construction contract amount budgeted for unforeseen emergencies or design shortfalls identified after a construction project commences.

FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment)
This includes the movable furniture, fixtures, or other equipment that have no permanent connection to the structure of a building or utilities but are needed for the functioning of the building after it opens.

Miscellaneous Costs
% for the Arts
One percent (1%) of the budget for funded construction projects be spent on artwork for University facilities. This cost at UH is fairly consistent/standard with what other universities do.

UH Project Management Fee
Three percent (3%) of the project cost is assessed by the UH Facilities Planning and Construction group to provide oversight and supervision of the capital project. This cost ranges at other universities – from a low of 0.75% at the University of South Florida to 4% at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Printing Photo Costs
This is the cost of processing construction progress photos during the construction of a project.

Moving Expenses
This is the cost attributed to staff relocation during the occupancy of a project.

Review Fees
This cost is attributed to an independent agency review for the project documentation to ensure all codes are followed (life, safety, etc.).

Abatement Costs
This is a cost for an agency to remove and/or reduce an undesirable item. It includes, but is not limited to, asbestos and lead paint from a renovation project