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Who to Contact for an Appointment

I'm a Future Student  | I'm a Recently Admitted Student  |  I'm a Current Student  |  I'm a Former UH Student

I am a Future UH Student Seeking a Bachelor Degree

See Make a TAP Appointment

I'm a Recently Admitted Student

What’s my next step after being admitted?

Orientation must be completed BEFORE you are able to register for courses. Please sign-up for Orientation also known as New Student Orientation Conference. The earliest opportunity to meet your Major Advisor is during New Student Conference (no earlier.) Your major advisor will go over your degree plan in detail and will recommend courses to take in sequence. You will register for courses the same day. Please see this page for more info on the next steps for newly admitted students.

I’m accepted, but not into the major I want.

Wait to attend orientation until you speak to an advisor. Attending orientation confirms that you want the major (and you may be “stuck” in the major for at least a semester or more before you are eligible for change of major). Please contact a Transfer Advisor for your desired major. The Transfer Advisor will help you strategize an academic plan towards your academic goals.  

I'm a Current UH Student

I’m a currently attending UH, but I still need to get credit for courses I’ve already transferred.

Please contact your department or major advisor on instruction on how to get credit.

I’m a current UH student who also wants to take courses at a community college.

Before taking courses at community college, please contact your department or major advisor to see if it’s permitted. Why? Your major advisor is the best resource to determine if you are violating any degree policies and rules that could delay your graduation (e.g. If you maxed transfer credits and courses no longer transfer. If you are violating University Residency rules for graduation.)

I’m currently at UH, but I want to know what courses transfer to another school.

Please contact the receiving college or university on how to transfer credits. The receiving school has the final say on what courses will be accepted.

I'm a Former UH Student

Former students are students who have returned with an interruption of more than 13 months. Read the Admission’s information on how to re-apply. You may also want to contact your desired major or degree advisor. Be sure to include your UH ID number. If you don’t remember your UH ID, then retrieve your ID here.