Advising - University of Houston
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Undergraduate Advising

The Undergraduate Advising Center is the official advising center for all undergraduate majors and minors in the College of Natural Science and Mathematics (NSM).

NSM Advisors:

Students who major or minor in mathematics should contact NSM academic advisors to have degree plans on file before graduation.

In addition to the NSM advisors, you can receive academic advice from the following people in the math department.

Math Department Contacts:

Dr. Mehrdad Kalantar, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 713-743-0780
Office: 627 PGH 

Dr. Nicholas Leger, Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 713-743-3481
Office: TBA PGH 

Tai McAlister, Communications Manager
Phone: 713-743-3511
Office: 204 PGH 

While the NSM advisors can help to explain university rules and make sure you are fulfilling university requirements for graduation, they advise all majors in NSM and consequently cannot give you much advice specific to the mathematics discipline. In particular, they often cannot advise you as to what careers are available with a mathematics major or minor, the content of the upper-level mathematics courses, or which mathematics courses will best prepare you for your future or for a desired career. For these matters, the Math Department Contacts listed above will provide better advice. In addition, throughout your undergraduate career you should make it a practice to visit and talk with several of your math professors during their office hours to ask advice on careers and courses. They will provide you with the best advice on the course content and which courses will help you to prepare for your future.

Choosing Courses:

Math Placement Exams

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What are the requirements for graduation?
    Contact the NSM Undergraduate Advising Center for a graduation checklist. General requirements include a minimum GPA of 2.0 cumulatively and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in your major and minor. Your major and minor degree plan must be applied and on file at least one semester before the planned graduation date.
  • How can I minor in Mathematics? What are the requirements for the Mathematics minor?
    To minor in Mathematics you must complete the Math Minor Degree Plan Request form and turn it in to the NSM advisors. The requirements for a Mathematics minor are listed on the form.
  • Where can I obtain a Veterans Affairs (VA) Certification form? Veterans' Forms
  • Can I become certified as an actuary through the UH Department of Mathematics degree programs?
    No. The UH Department of Mathematics does not have an actuarial science program, but students who are interested in actuarial science will receive excellent preparation for the first few actuarial exams by following the B.S. Mathematics Major-Mathematical Finance Option