Giving - University of Houston
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Making a Difference

  • Art Scholarships

    Give today to support the talented and dedicated students in the School of Art. Your gift makes an enormous impact on our students lives and helps them reach their true potential.

  • School of Art Gift Fund

    Your support through this fund helps us expand the School of Art student experience through travel opportunities, exhibitions, individual project support and guest artists and scholars.

  • Art History Projects

    Make an impact on the quality and capabilities of our scholarship program in art history. Your gift of any size makes a difference. This fund supports students, exhibitions, research and thesis work. 


To make a gift online, please use our secure Online Gift FormPlease select "School of Art Gift Fund" from the drop-down menu.

Highly motivated—promising talent—uniquely creative—all apt descriptions of the approximately 650 undergraduate and 50 graduate students of the University of Houston School of Art. They come from all backgrounds, from Texas and around the world. A large percentage of these students need and receive financial aid and by necessity work part- or full-time.

One year of resident tuition and fees averages about $10,900. While this is a remarkable value for a top-notch arts education, it can also be a daunting sum for a student with limited resources.

We invite you to fund at the source, through a gift for direct scholarship assistance. Your support will allow students to focus more intently on their practice, with fewer impediments to their studies. Your gift will enable them to reach further and with greater clarity as they learn, create, and give form to our cultural future.


For further information, please contact Susana Monteverde in the Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts Development Office at 713-743-9528 or srmontev@Central.UH.EDU.




If you'd like to support a specific initiative, project, program, etc., contact Susana Monteverde in the Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts Development Office at 713-743-9528 or