MA, University of Texas, Austin
BA, Trinity University
Leticia specializes in the art and archaeology of ancient Greek and Near Eastern worlds, with a particular focus on cultural and artistic interactions in Western Asia (e.g., Ionians, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians). Her current book project, Between Greece and Anatolia: Borderland Vision and Experience in Archaic Ionia, constitutes a critical reappraisal of visual and material culture produced and consumed in Archaic Ionia, especially under Achaemenid Persian hegemony, utilizing contemporary borderlands theory to reveal more nuanced ways of thinking about art and identity associated with the discursive 'margins' of the ancient world. Leticia is an active archaeologist and has been involved in excavation and survey at sites in both Greece and Turkey. Since 2019 she has worked at Antiochia ad Cragum on Turkey’s southern coast where she supervises the excavation of a Roman bath complex. She is also conducting research at the Aegean site of Assos, where she is examining material emerging from a newly uncovered Kybele sanctuary.
Recent Publications:
L. R. Rodriguez. “Alashia Reborn?: Replicating and ‘Repatriating’ Heritage in Cyprus.” In L. Summerer, M. Kiessel, H. Kaba, eds. New Approaches Toward Recording, Preserving and Studying Cultural Heritage in Divided Cyprus: Problems and Opportunities. Special Issue of Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) Journal. Kyrenia: ARUCAD Press (2023, refereed) 175- 190.
L. R. Rodriguez. “The Small Bath at Antiochia ad Cragum.” In M. Hoff, B. Can, R. Townsend, eds. From Pirate Base to Roman City: The Excavations of Antiochia ad Cragum in Rough Cilicia: An Interim Report. Oxford: Oxbow Books (expected October 2024).
L. R. Rodriguez. Review of S. Langin-Hooper, Figurines in Hellenistic Babylonia: Miniaturization and Cultural Hybridity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP (2019), in Rhea Classical Reviews 2021.12.09.
L. R. Rodriguez. Review of S. Langin-Hooper, Figurines in Hellenistic Babylonia: Miniaturization and Cultural Hybridity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP (2019), in Rhea Classical Reviews 2021.12.09.
L. R. Rodriguez. Review of C. M. Draycott, R. Raja, K. E. Welch, W. T. Wooton, eds. Visual Histories of the Classical World: Essays in Honour of R. R. R. Smith. Studies in Classical Archaeology, 4. Turnhout: Brepols (2018), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2021.01.30.