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Dr. Tracey Ledoux Wins Texas Outstanding Dietetics Educator Award

Dr. Tracey Ledoux
HHP faculty Dr. Tracey Ledoux has been selected as the 2011-2012 Outstanding Dietetic Educator for the State of Texas by the Texas Dietetic Association.
Dr. Ledoux was earlier selected as the recipient for the 2011-12 Houston Area Dietetic Association's (HADA) Outstanding Dietetics Educator Award which will be formally presented at the May 2012 HADA Awards and Installation dinner. As the local award recipient, she was HADA's nominee at the state level for the Texas Dietetic Association award.
The purpose of the outstanding educator awards program is to recognize the teaching, mentoring and leadership activities of faculty and preceptors in CADE-accredited and approved dietetics education programs.
TDA, an affiliate of the American Dietetic Association, is a not-for-profit professional organization of over 4,000 registered dietitians, dietetic technicians, and students in Texas.
The Houston Area Dietetic Association (HADA) is the largest group of nutrition professionals in the state of Texas. It is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting the RD as the nutrition expert to our community.