News Archives
HHP Faculty Research Day 2011
HHP faculty presented their research at the HHP Faculty Research Day on March 29th 2011. There were 12 presentations by faculty members followed by a poster session.
Dr. Layne presenting on faculty research day.
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Below is a listing of faculty and their presentation topics in order of presentation.
Dr. Paloski | Punctuated Equilibrium of Quiet Stance |
Dr. Thrasher | Function Electrical Stimulation for Exercise After Spinal Cord Injury |
Dr. O’Connor | Scale Properties and Measurement Invarianceof the IPS Environmental Survey |
Dr. Layne | Does Vibration Impact Adaptation to Split-belt Treadmill Locomotion? |
Dr. McFarlin | The Role of Monocytes in ObesityAssociated Disease |
Dr. Simpson | Exercise, Viral Infections and the AgingImmune System |
Dr. Lowder | Enhanced Treg-mediated Suppression and Reduced Asthma Severity in the Offspring of Mice Exercised Prior to Pregnancy |
Dr. Clarke | Sweat: a Potential Means of Monitoring Bone Loss |
Dr. Ledoux | Relationship Between Brain Responses toPalatable Food and Food Addiction Tendencies Among Adolescents |
Dr. Pearson | Cowboys of Color: The Perceived Socio-culturalSignificance of U2 Rodeo |
Dr. Liu | Effect of Walking Surface Perturbation on Local Dynamic Stability |
Dr. Lee | Reversing the Obesogenic Environment |