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TORC's SALSA Program Wins Outstanding Achievement Award From State of Texas.
The Texas Obesity Research Center (TORC) has won an outstanding achievement award for its SAving Lives, Staying Active (SALSA) Program from the The Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Stroke as part of the 2009 CVD Health Promotion Awards.
The award was presented on Wednesday, April 15 at the 2009 Annual Texas Public Health Association (TPHA) Conference in Austin. Dr. Rebecca Lee, Director of the Texas Obesity Research Center, received the award.
Dr. Rebecca Lee with the Award |
SAving Lives Staying Active is a study to increase physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption among women of color. This study is done at the University of Houston and at a computer and other locations of your choosing. The study uses face to face instruction and computer internet technology. Participation will last approximately 16 weeks and will involve free health assessments, biweekly salsa dance classes, and internet based information about fruits and vegetables.
The Texas CVD Promotion awards recognize innovative and effective programs aimed at improving cardiovascular health in communities. Programs competing for the awards must demonstrate efforts to help targeted audiences in schools, worksites, healthcare settings and the community recognize the impact of the risk factors for heart disease and stroke.