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2016-2017 Flyers

The center has hosted speakers and roundtables that focused on topics such as Latin American politics, energy policy, international human rights, American bilateral relations with various countries, and terrorism. 

2016 Events

Event 1: Feburary 12, 2016

Political Risk in the Global Economy: A roundtable on political risk in a globalization, discussing how governments respond to the challenges created by political risk in the era of globalization.

Presentor: Jaime Ortiz (Chair), William R. Clark, Edward D. Mansfield, Duncan Snidal, Pablo M. Pinto.

Location: KIVA Room in Farrish Hall, University of Houston

Event 2: March 8, 2016

Nuclear North Korea: A Reassessment with Former Ambassador Han Sung-Joo.

Presentor: Han Sung-Joo.

Location: Student Center South, Space City Room (#214)