With the fall semester underway, the University of Houston Police Department has provided four campus safety tips for the community.
Report Suspicious Activity (If you see something, say something)
The University of Houston is a public university with hundreds of visitors daily. UHPD wants to remind everyone to be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior. If you are on campus and observe someone walking through the parking lot looking into vehicles, call UHPD immediately.
Be vigilant when walking through campus. If you see someone attempting to enter a building while it is locked without using their Cougar Card, contact UHPD.
It’s time to lock up
Burglaries and thefts are often called the Crime of Opportunity, with thieves taking advantage of unsecured vehicle doors and items left unattended and visible. UHPD wants to remind everyone to take the time to double-check and make sure their vehicle is locked before heading to class or the office. If you have items in your car (backpacks, laptops, gym bags, or books), lock them in your trunk or take them with you.
When studying in the M.D. Anderson Library or visiting the Student Center South or a campus dining commons for a quick bite to eat, do not leave any items in the open for anyone to take. Before you leave any building, always make sure to have all your belongings and close the building doors. Never leave a building door open or propped for any reason.
Bike Lock (U-lock vs. Cable lock)
After purchasing a bicycle, one of the next decisions users make is what type of lock is best. The two most popular choices of bicycle locks are the U-shaped and the cable lock. While both locks keep bicycles secure, they differ in shape and protection.
U-locks are relatively light and are made to fasten easily around the bicycle. U-locks are an excellent deterrent due to the metal shape “U,” making it more difficult for criminals to cut the lock with simple bolt cutters. Cable locks are versatile and adaptable but generally offer less theft deterrence than U-locks.
Additionally, the campus has two Bikeep smart bicycle parking stations that enable secure parking and deters bicycle theft. The stations are located at Butler Plaza and the University Lofts and are free for the campus community. The only requirement is that the user register their bicycle with Parking and Transportation Services.
Cougar Card (Report lost or stolen)
Report lost or stolen Cougar Cards to the Cougar Card Office. If you fail to report a lost or stolen Cougar Card, anyone who finds it can use it to access buildings. Additionally, the back of the Cougar Card provides users with helpful phone numbers and contact information for Emergency Services.