Office of Emergency Management Launches Veoci for Campus wide COOP

OESThe Office of Emergency Management (OEM) kicked off the 2023 Continuity of Operations Planning Program by launching Veoci, a software program allowing the University of Houston to become more responsive and resilient all at our fingertips.

The Continuity of Operations Planning Liaisons have already begun training on Veoci, and the response to the transition has been overwhelming. Veoci provides many advantages for the university, including:

  • Confidential Plan Review and Approval 
  • Email Notification of any Actions Needed 
  • Plan Progress Assessment  
  • Immediate Updates 
  • Seamless Review Process 
  • Confidentiality  

Adding Veoci to the Continuity of Operations Planning Program will enhance the already strong program.
“The development of this program has been several years in the making, and it is very exciting to see it finally launch,” said Ginger Walker, Director, Emergency Management.

The Office of Emergency Management wanted something other than an out-of-the-box Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) software. OEM wanted the new software to look and flow similar to the campus’s paper-based process.  Not only does it have all the same components in the same order and flow, but once completed and printed, it is identical to the familiar COOP.

In addition, the Continuity of Operations Planning Program has a new face. Starting in 2023, Evan Broadbent, Emergency Management Specialist, will lead the COOP effort.

If you want to learn more about Veoci, the Continuity of Operations Planning Program, or have questions about the current program, please contact Evan at