Saneea Sakhyani

Current degree track / completed UH degree:

MA History, Public History track

How was public history part of your degree plan? (elective courses, minor or major field of study, special project, class project, or other?)

Elective courses, minor field, special project, class project

What elements of public history did you focus on most? (oral history, museum work, preservation, publications, writing a Houston History article, exhibits, digital work, etc.)*

Oral history and digital preservation work

How has working with the Center for Public History or on a public history project helped you in your career and / or current working position?*

While I really enjoyed the classes and coursework across the board in the public history program, the most significant parts of the program that have helped me in my career were the independent study and class projects. I really believe in testing the theory of what you learn by seeing how it plays out in practice - what holds true, what are the missing pieces in the theory, how do experiences vary project to project or with stakeholders and community members involved? I think this is truly what helped me develop my own practice of public history and instilled the importance of reshaping my practice based on reflections and feedback through each project experience. I have learned how to communicate more efficiently, manage time more effectively, and support shared responsibility and ownership in carrying out a project.

What did you find most meaningful in your experience with public history?*

I had so many meaningful experiences with public history, it's hard to just pick one! I really appreciated the opportunity to explore the field with a special focus on my interests, and understand the relevance of public history to our current world. Public history is everywhere and I love that I can explain just how interdisciplinary this field is and why it matters to folks who may not be as familiar with it. That moment where people make the connection to how public history is a key part of their lives in so many ways is exciting and meaningful because it often lends itself to a discussion as to how they can use public history tools to make a difference in issues that they care about.

What is your planned career trajectory?*

When I was in the program, I wasn't so sure exactly what I wanted to do after graduation, I just knew that I wanted to work in the field of public history and work with communities in Houston. I was open to seeing where my training would take me. I ended up doing community engagement work in historic preservation, which has been an excellent learning opportunity in a related field. I hope to continue working with and supporting communities in Houston in their goals of preserving their histories and sharing their stories.

Do you have any advice for future public history students?*

Take every opportunity to work on a wide-range of projects. The skills you learn doing the hands on work of public history is the most fulfilling and critical part of the program in my opinion. Plus, it prepares you for a variety of jobs that you can explore once you graduate.