Weeks of Welcome - University of Houston
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Cultural Taste of Houston has been rescheduled to September 19th

Thank you for a successful Weeks of Welcome, see you next year! In the meantime, view our Spring Welcome Back events!

two students taking a selfie

WOW Instagram Challenge

Win an IPad! Official Rules:

  • Share your fav picture during WOW on Instagram (August 17 - Sept 2)
  • Tag us @getinvolveduh
  • Stories don't count
  • Winner will be announced Monday, September 4, 2023
  • By participating, you give us permission to repost your image(s)
  • Contest is only open to currently enrolled UH students

View our past Signature Events!

Signature Events


#IAMUH T-Shirt Swap

Monday, August 23 & Tuesday, August 24, 2021
9:00 am – 2:00 pm, Student Centers Food Court

As part of UH Weeks of Welcome, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) will be sponsoring a t-shirt swap. Have a t-shirt from another university, high school, or military service? Time to swap it. On us! Come join us in the Student Center on Monday, August 23 – Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, bring us a T-shirt of another college, high school, or military service, and we’ll give you a free #IAMUH* T-shirt. Limit 1 shirt per student, while supplies last. All collected shirts will be donated. #IAMUH is a campaign that highlights and celebrates the many diversities and unique stories that can be found within the University of Houston community. Because diversity is one of our strengths, #IAMUH was created to embrace and highlight, the multiple diversities within our institution.

Full Schedule of Events