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Advancement Success Story

Gene Green and Dean Jim Granato


Gift Establishes Endowment for Leland Fellows

University of Houston alumnus Gene Green (BBA ’71, UH Bates College of Law alumnus) and his wife Helen (BS ’69), are ensuring their family’s dedication to public service lives on through a $100,000 gift to create the Honorable Gene Green Endowment for Leland Fellows for the Hobby School of Public Affairs at the University of Houston. Gene Green served nearly 50 years in public office, representing the Houston area in state and national politics. The retired U.S. Congressman worked in the Texas House of Representatives from 1973-1985 and the Texas Senate from 1985-1993 before being elected to the U.S. Congress in 1992. Green left office in January 2019 after representing Texas’ 29th Congressional District for 26 years, having never lost an election.

“Helen and I are proud to establish the Honorable Gene Green Endowment for Leland Fellows as our way of creating a pathway for UH students to gain practical experience working alongside government policymakers, and to honor the memory of my friend and former colleague Congressman Mickey Leland,” said Green. “It is our hope that Leland Fellows alumni go on to become our future leaders in government and in the public and private sectors, and that they take the practical knowledge, experience, and sense of community endowed to them by the Hobby School. My years of representing Houston in Austin and in Washington, D.C. taught me that public service requires knowledge, experience, hard work, and a great sense of community.”

Congressman Green served in the Texas House of Representatives from 1973-1985 and the Texas Senate from 1985-1993 before being elected to the U.S. Congress in 1992. Green left office in January 2019 after representing portions of eastern Houston for 46 years, having never lost an election. 

“The Hobby School is extremely grateful to receive this donation from our esteemed friend and benefactor, the Honorable Gene Green,” said Hobby School Dean Jim Granato. “He is one of the greatest examples of public service having worked for Texas and our nation for almost 50 years. Creating the Endowment for Leland Fellows in his name is an honor for the Hobby School and will solidify UH’s young leaders’ presence in Washington, D.C. for years to come.”

The congressman’s committee work focused on healthcare, energy, the environment, education, Social Security and Veterans’ issues. His passion for improving the quality of healthcare and the economy, developing the workforce and increasing access to student financial aid has imparted a lasting legacy of public service for his constituents.

Jessica Ruland, Helen Green, Gene Green, Dean Jim Granato and Jason Smith 

“The Leland Fellows program put me on my current career path, and I truly would not be where I am today without my experience as a Leland Fellow, said Jessica Ruland (BS ’17, MPP ’21). It was an honor to serve in Congressman Green’s office in D.C. and his gift will continue to impact students just like me who go through the program in the future.”

Thank you, Congressman Green. You honor us.

The Leland Fellows program relies on donations to facilitate experiences for UH students in our nation’s capital. To learn more about how you can invest in the program, contact Tyrone M. Jimmison at (713) 743-7902 or