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NIMS, ICS, Training and Exercises

Exercises and Tabletop Training

The Office of Emergency Management offers many different trainings throughout the year.  Below are just a few of the trainings that have been conducted by the Office of Emergency Management.  

Inclement Weather – Tornado Tabletop Exercise: The staff presented a table top exercise to simulate inclement weather in the UH campus. The exercises strengthen the partnership and communication process with the UH Emergency Management Team members, executive members and critical staff. It also provided an opportunity to test alternate stakeholders needed to support the UHEOC. An orientation of the UHEOC was presented.

Large Venue Evacuation and Points of Designation: The staff presented to (6) UH police, EH&S, Five Star, Fire Marshal, and Athletics on large venue evacuation and points of designation.

Bomb Threat Mass Evacuation Planning Workshop: Staff presented and moderated the workshop bringing together UH departments to ensure that key UH stakeholders can apply standard level of adequate and timely life safety and security procedures within a bomb threat environment. The teams got a basic understanding of bomb threat response standards, how to develop a bomb threat plan to cover vulnerability assessments, evacuation procedures, and provided basic training for personnel to handle and campus cope with bomb threats. Members attending:

  • Facilities Management
  • Student Housing and Residential Life
  • Parking and Transportation
  • Police
  • Fire Marshal’s Office
  • Police Dispatchers

Bomb Threats Drills for Police Dispatchers:  Staff conducted bomb drills to police dispatchers, to  include day and night shift personnel, to evaluate the dispatcher ability to utilize the bomb threat checklist and  the department procedures regarding handling a bomb threat

Athletic Large Venue/Special Events & Heat Waves Preparedness Workshop: Staff presented a workshop to the Athletics special events/operations department, to include response guide, heat related illnesses and preparedness, bomb threat, and evacuation of Robertson Stadium.  A heat plan was developed by athletics for the UH UCLA sold out game.