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Robert Carp

Robert Carp

PGH 402

Research Interests

Judiical process and behavior
Constitutional law
Law and Society 

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Biographical Summary

Prof. Carp has taught at the University of Houston since 1969. Between 1982 and 2000 Prof. Carp served as Associate Dean of the College of Social Sciences.

He has authored over fifty articles in refereed journals, including the Journal of Politics, American Journal of Political Science, and Law and Society Review.  Carp is also the co-author of the following books: Policymaking and Politics in the Federal Courts  (1983),  Politics and Judgment in Federal District Courts (1996), The Federal Courts (2010), The State Courts (2010), and Judicial Process in America (2017)


Ph.D. University of Iowa
M.A. University of Iowa
B.A. Augustana College

Selected Publications

The State Courts. CQ Press (2010).  Co‑authored.

Policymaking and Politics in the Federal District Courts.  University of Tennessee Press (1983).  Co‑authored.

The Federal Courts.  Congressional Quarterly Press (1985), 2nd edition (1991).  3rd edition (1998), 4th edition (2001).  Co‑authored.

Judicial Process in America.  Congressional Quarterly Press (1990), 2nd edition (1993), 3rd edition (1996), 4th edition (1998), 5th ed (2001),  6th ed (2004),  7th edition (2007).  Co-authored.

Politics and Judgment in Federal District Courts.  University Press of Kansas (1996).  Co-authored.