Guest Speaker Panel: "Black, Brown, and Blue: A Historical Discussion of Policing in Houston"
Amy C. Evans: "Houston in 2020: Self-Employed Black Artist- An Oral History Project by Amy C. Evans"
Guest Speaker Panel: "When the Lights (and Heat) went out in Texas: The Texas Blackout in Historical Context"
Guest Speaker Panel: "Race, Health, and Air Pollution in Houston: Environmental Justice During COVID-19"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "LGBTQ+ HOU: Bayou City Proud"
Charles Ciliske: "Buffalo Bayou & Tributaries Flood Control Project"
Stephen Klineberg: "Prophetic City: Tracking Responses to Mounting Inequalities, Ethnic Transformations, and Severe Storms"
Roberto Barrios: "Cacophony of Disaster: Interpreting Houston's Many Voices in Harvey's Aftermath"
Amy C. Evans: "My Houston: Documenting My Hometown Through Art and Oral History"
Dwight Watson: "Murder on the Bayou: Jose Campos Torres and Police Brutality"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "Houston History Spring Launch Event: Italians Plant Roots in Houston"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "Houston's Helping Hand: Remembering Hurricane Katrina"