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e.g. — Means for example and is always followed by a comma.

ellipsessee Punctuation Primer

email — Not e-mail. However, use a hyphen with other e-terms: e-book, e-reader, e-commerce,etc. Lowercase email addresses unless the address is case sensitive.

em-dash — Long hyphen (—) — see Punctuation Primer

emeritus — Place emeritus after the formal title.

Professor Emeritus Francesco Necci

Francesco Necci, professor emeritus of creative writing

en-dash — Midsized hyphen (–) — see Punctuation Primer

enroll, enrolled, enrolling

ensure, insure — Ensure means to guarantee. Insure is used in references to insurance.

Steps were taken to ensure the accuracy of the statistics.

The policy insures the car.

events— Titles of special events, such as art exhibits and touring displays, are enclosed in quotes with primary words capitalized. Names of annually recurring events are capitalized without quotes.

“Dorothy Hood: The Edge of Being”

College of Education’s 2022 First Lecture

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