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Foundations in DH Project Development for Undergraduate Students

Instructional programming offered by UH Libraries and HPE Data Science Institute as part of the joint Digital Humanities Core (DHC) initiative.

Program Overview

This page contains information for instructors interested in embedding badges in the Micro-credential in the Digital Humanities (DH) program into their courses for undergraduate students. The purpose of the Micro-credential in the Digital Humanities program is to introduce students to the concepts and competencies that are core to DH work, preparing students to plan and implement their own project or participate in an ongoing DH research project.

The program for undergraduate students encompasses two badges:

  • Badge I: Plan Development in the Digital Humanities (Undergraduate Studies)
  • Badge II: Project Development in the Digital Humanities (Undergraduate Studies)

This program is available to active University of Houston undergraduate students interested in research or with an idea that incorporates an element of digital scholarship.

Program Elements and Outcomes

Badge I: Plan Development in the Digital Humanities may include modules in:

  • Introduction and ideation
  • Planning your idea
  • Data modeling/finding data
  • Asset management and metadata

Badge II: Project Development in the Digital Humanities may include modules in:

  • Elements of project/proposal
  • Microsites and digital publication
  • Universal design: who is your audience?
  • Project proposal revision

Modules are delivered synchronously through the HPE Data Science Institute micro-credentialing program and can be adopted into existing courses or built into new courses. Modules are 60 minutes with time for in-class discussion. Testing through modules is generally offered as extra credit for students.

DH Core facility staff will work with instructors to tailor modules to suit course outcomes or disciplinary natures.

Students who complete the Micro-credential in the Digital Humanities badges gain access to the full range of services and infrastructure offered by the Digital Humanities Core facility and become part of growing cohorts supported by HPE DSI and UH Libraries, aimed at nurturing new research and scholarship.


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