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Occupational Health Program

All research personnel who use animals in the course of their research are required to take Occupational Health and Safety Training. This course, offered through the ACO Academy, provides a brief overview of the Occupational Health Program.

The purpose of the Occupational Health Program is to prevent occupational injury and illness while promoting a safe working environment for personnel who will be working with animals or animal by-products at the University of Houston (UH Occupational Health Program). This is accomplished by informing personnel of potential hazards associated with animal-related work, and referring each participant to an occupational health professional for an individualized risk assessment (currently under contract to UT Employee Health Services).

Everyone must complete the Occupational Health Program enrollment form.

Herpes B Training

This course is mandatory for all personnel working with non-human primates or their tissues. Further instruction on specific handling techniques and training can be arranged by emailing a request to the ACO Inbox.

*Note: New Investigators and their staff are also required to meet with an ACO representative in person for an initial tour of the facility and review of the Macaque exposure procedures.*

Research Methodology

The Animal Care Operations department (ACO) has expanded its services to meet the changing needs of the University's research community. ACO now provides specialized research support services. This is in addition to its traditional roles of animal procurement, husbandry, veterinary care, and training.

The board certified veterinarians are very experienced with anesthesia, surgery and a variety of research techniques. They will be glad to assist with ongoing projects or in the development of your research project. ACO’s can offer technical services on a fee-for-service basis to investigators with limited personnel, equipment, and space resources.

Hands-on training is available to complimentcomplement the online training. Please direct all request to the ACO Inbox.

Research Equipment and Services Offered:

  • Rodent metabolic cage equipment
  • Intracage temperature, humidity remote sensing
  • Faxitron Digital radiographs
  • Mouse tail tattoo machine
  • Animal Biosafety Level 1 and 2 husbandry, necropsy and
  • surgery facilities
  • Immunodeficient rodent housing

ACO Isoflurane

This course is mandatory for all personnel who will be working with isoflurane as part of their research. This training can be arranged by emailing a request to the ACO Inbox.